Second Post

My first post is posted so I shall celebrate the small success in the vein of the glass is half full.  I only wish I could say “the glass is half full and the other half was delicious”.  The post-box pic which I thought was fairly ingenious representation of “Post”, lies stubbornly on its side and no matter what I did it stayed there, so I guess that about sums up the whole experience.

Therefore Barmatelli family and friends when you look at the above page please gaze with wonder at the fact that I have managed to create a site, then upload two pictures – albeit one its side, and post a blog – albeit that the first and of course better one is lost in cyber-space.

There is so much that remains a complete and utter mystery to me no matter where I explore.  I am unsure how to update you as to when a blog is posted and although I found the comments tab and even worked out how to turn them off due to my very real fear of trolls, or at least trolls I don’t know, I no longer know how you can interact with me.  The interaction bit was really the whole point in the first place.

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In the spirit of not giving up and exploring this challenging new world I shall continue.     I shall persevere further into the strange universe of the big WWW and see where I end up.  There must be a million brilliant shoot for stars quotes I could use but it would take me another three months to find them and we leave in two days.


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