Third Post

Today’s post was to see if I could actually upload a picture into my post so I can share with you some of the sights. Please take note of my mailboxes for my third post – they are all up the right way so things are looking up.   Also I take the opportunity to say that all photos on here, whether they be sideways, upside down or right way up are taken by moi.

Down to the nitty gritty now so how about now that we have mastered the pics lets say we talk about packing.  We are now very seasoned travelers and I always advise other people not to stress about it, unless you are climbing Mt Everest or going to the middle of Africa.  Pretty much you can buy whatever you forget anywhere you are going.    The only things not to forget are Passports, bank cards, ESTA if going to or through the states and your medication.

This time around it should be really easy as there are no work meetings or dinners or conferences so should be about half of what we normally pack.  That however is not the case as the case that is no longer filled with all of this work stuff it feels like it is filled with what I shall call over 50 travel necessities.
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All of sudden instead of one tiny toilet bag you have four.  There is one for “supplements”  – magnesium and omega and vitamin c and echinacea and then there is actual medicine that if mentioned only a few years ago, would come in the course of conversation about someone else and obviously that conversation would scream OLD PERSON, however this now has to be packed, just in case of course.  Things like gout pills, and painkillers for the back in case it doesn’t behave and cholesterol tablets.  Then there is the fact that for durations of over three nights cheap throw away toothbrushes ar not ok, our electric ones must travel with us.

I do jest slightly as I have nearly completed the task and there appears to be a lot of room left.  So to finish with the advice along with what you should never forget always remember – never pack what you can’t lift, drag, wheel and maneuver with ease.

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