Tuesday 24th

Slept a thicker sleep and awoke anticipating another spectacular sunrise.   It hid however behind a thick layer of fog and was nowhere to be found.

Travel day today so expectations are never high. I start with my crusiest attitude and all of my go with the flow mentality – (you kids are all laughing but it can happen).  We need to Check out day today and a 6 pm flight.

We decide to take the hotel bikes and bike out further round the bay which turns out to be a great ride.  We bike round the bay until we come to the houseboat village which is quaint and pretty.  The small house concept must be able to learn a lot from these houseboats, with bikes strapped to balconies and every inch is space useful.


the day was dull and cold so biking was a good option, apart from the fact that our jackets were packed in our suitcases at the hotel.

Sitting in the lounge now awaiting our boarding call and hoping you all recognise how not only have I worked out how to get my photo’s of my camera and onto my I-pad so I can now post directly onto here.  My smugness is oozing through to the very LOUD couple who have sat next to us, actually that’s two seats away from us but they are empty.  She is tired and he can’t find his charger.  I find the culture odd whereby you talk so loud everyone can hear your conversation.   Was the same in the restaurants and bars.  Never mind I shall keep my own quiet smugness and just keep chilling.


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It looks like even have time for amusing scarf story.

For quite some time now I wear a scarf when travelling or even out and about.  Not a silk one or anything like that but a throw in the washing machine and doesn’t need ironing one.

I explained to wh (for future reference that can be short for wonderful husband) that they are very handy things.  They can be draped around the shoulders for warmth, over the head and ears for wind, and particularly in when in shopping malls, bars, restaurants they can be used as a hand dry, or door opener or escalator barrier.    There is nothing worse than going to a public bathroom, washing your hands then going to leave and seeing you have the turn the door handle or pull it, either way you have to touch it.  Back in the old days you kept a hand towel and used that……..oops final call gotta go

but wait there’s more


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