Saturday 28th – Sailing

Today is a test for the likeability or more to the point my suitability to cruising as we left Budapest at 5 pm last night and don’t arrive into Vienna until 5 pm this evening.  It was a beautiful evening last night with a full moon so was off to a good start.

Overnight cruising to Vienna

With daylight came a day to basically while away the time in any manner of my choosing so I decide to try and fix up my blog.   I will see if I can manage to get that first post to get in line and stop hogging the front page.

A few hours later as the I-pad nearly flew out of the window (not by its own steam I might add nor that of the wind) I give up.  The connection was poor and the language even worse. I did however manage to add a photo of the micro- art which I mentioned yesterday,  it’s in the gallery so check it out.

Went to the sun deck and you guessed it, sat in the sun.  It is a very “cruised” way to travel I was sitting in the deck chair, eyes closed and you can hear not a lot of anything.  The engines are relatively quiet and the loudest sound is the birdsong and movement of the water.  If you  have to travel get somewhere then that is definitely a plus, although I fear I may find there is only so much birdsong and lapping water you can take.  Time will tell.

Tonight we are off to a classical concert in Vienna.  Looking forward to it but find it annoying to be herded like a school group when going somewhere, with childish instructors and crappy jokes that everyone (bar me) appears to find funny it’s tiresome quite quickly.  How about simply saying “bus leaves at 7, be there by ten too or get left behind”. Not everyone meet in the lounge 15 mins before so we can then herd you in there make you wait for all the stragglers then issue a whole lot more irrelevant instructions, which could be given on the bus, I bet if you did it my way there would be way less stragglers.

Please take note that “first post” is no longer at the start.   Success feels good and should never be under rated.

Reminder Barmatelli’s and friends, send the odd email or text to say hello as I feel my posts are heading into an endless universe and would love proof of your existence.

Docks are fascinating.



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you either have a body clock that is handles it or you don’t.  Get over it and on with it.

What to like about river cruising – (it’s the first day though so may change)

you can unpack

its quiet and not hurried

it has other passengers to talk too


whats not not to like

being told what to do like a school child

it has other passengers who want to talk to you




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