Sunday – Vienna

Arrived in Vienna yesterday late afternoon.  There was an excursion to listen to a classical concert which was held at an old army barracks which is now a war museum.   The billboard on the entrance to the drive said “the only place for war  is in the museum”.  If only.

Being in Vienna the concert was Strauss and Mozart.  It is amazing that every piece they played was familiar despite the fact that I have never been a real classical fan.  The history was fascinating and the music enjoyable, only problem was trying to stay awake.

Today we went to the Schronheum palace.  Which was ridiculous.  The queen of something or other had 16 children and was known for her hard work.  She was reported to be back at her desk in the evening after giving birth in the morning.  Her daughter was Marie Antoinette, so when you see the palace she grew up in you can see where she got her “let them eat cake” statement from.

let them eat cake

It is a long weekend here and Vienna was like Venice, there was so many people.  We took the bus into the city in the afternoon and went to St Stephen’s square but it was so packed and very hot so we came back to the ship and got on the E-bikes – Let’s buy one.  They were a lot of fun. Real easy to operate and you can go for miles.  We biked along the river then over the bridge to a man made island used for recreation.  It was packed with pick nickers, playgrounds, sports and people swimming in the river.

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Interesting  bit of trivia – in Austria when people buy a new car (BMW, Audi, Mercedes) they don’t like others knowing what model of car they drive, so they pay $400 dollars to get it taken of the production line and not have the model put on.

Audi what?




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