Wednesday 2nd May – Regensburg



Our last night onboard tonight and I cannot say that I am itching to move on, no claustrophobic yearnings, no itchy feet for something else. Even the bus tripping got less hi Di hi camper and more just meet here, when and where.

I like my ever changing river view.  The quiet, peaceful motion of the ship.  I did not tire of birdsong and people were easy to take or leave as it you just went to be someplace else.



Tonight we will venture to the dining room for a degustation menu, my hopes are not high that it will change my views on the food but I shall go with an open mind.  Interestingly I overheard a conversation between a group walking back today expressing the same thoughts about the food as me.  Unlike me they however were serious river cruises and evidently this cruise had let them down.  I think I was pleased in more way than one, one that I was not nearly as critical as them, two that I have not turned into horrible food snob.

Today we stopped in Regensburg which is another pretty Bavarian town.   I love all the colourful  painted houses and clock towers on every corner.  It’s claim to fame was a bridge dating from the 11th century which of course was under renovation.  I do not think we have looked at an historic monument that is not under renovation.

11th century bridge

Regensburg was not affected by either of the wars so historically it remains fully in tact.  So many of the towns and cities have got patches of ugly, modern architecture blended in with the old, the result of post war reconstruction to provide quick, cheap accomodation.


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This is the first place we have been , since leaving Budapest, where the town centre and shops were open.     Nothing is allowed to open on Sundays in Vienna as it is very religious and then we were too early in Durnstein for shops, Tuesday was a public holiday for May Day hence today being the first time.  It certainly made the feel more ordinary with people going about there daily lives rather than just tourists rambling through historic town centres.

I managed to find my singing egg timer.  I bought one a few years ago in Gothenburg and it’s brilliant.  You put it in the pot at the same time as the eggs and it starts singing when the  ready.  “House of the rising sun” for soft eggs, “ killing me softly” for medium and “ it’s been a hard days night” for hard boiled.  Eggs are perfect every time.  So with shopping complete we wandered aimlessly around the alleys and laneways.

Regensburg Beer garden.

Thursday today and we are busy packing up for disembarkation.  Very quickly, dinner was lovely.  The risotto very tasty and then fillet steak which was slow roasted.  Conspiracy theory – Perhaps they monitor the blogs onboard.  In summation river cruising was great.

Next stop Prague.





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