6th May – leaving Prague

I dislike travelling days.  The packing up of suitcases, getting to airports, checking in, security, everywhere hurry up and wait.  As I sit here now at airport it didn’t disappoint.

We arrived very early of course but when we went to check in our bags the young man informed us, that despite him not having a customer for miles, he could not check us in we had to do it ourselves on the app.  Or we could go to a service desk in the other terminal and pay €160 and they would do it for us.   We had to do it in the next 15 mins as it had to be done at least 2 hours before check in.  So with the usual technology failures and appropriate words and gestures ensued but hey here we are, through security, blogging away so glass half full.

Travel day Prague

We had a late afternoon flight so there is plenty of time.  The day begins again with an early morning walk.  The sun rises about 6 am so it’s a really lovely time.  This morning we were met by lots of drunks, no that’s too strong, lots of people who had been out all night drinking and were heading home or in the case of a group of young men who wanted directions, looking for the bridge.

I tried to convince them that ideally they should go back to there hotel and drink lots of water and then find the “bridge” later.   One of them thought that was a really good idea as he wanted some water and he thought they had been out a really long time.  Another thought that we might like to see his friends penis, as his friend had a kaftan on due to it being his stag doo. Neither his friend nor ourselves thought that was a good idea. So we gave them directions, they shook Wh hand earnestly and told him he had a very nice wife (yes that’s right, that is moi), and on their merry way they went.  About lunchtime I thought about them and hoped they got home safely and were drinking water.

The Prague marathon was on today so there was lots of activity and streets closed off.  Wh and I shall be able to sign up to compete soon as we seem to have done 10,000 steps before midday and most days do between 10 and 15kms, a couple of 17 Km days as well, and I might add baguettes are nowhere to be found here, only sweet pastry things which I am thankful to say are not my cup of tea.  I am not sure I will be able to say the same in Italy.

Senate building
Senate building

This morning after packed up and ready to go we caught a tram over the bridge and explored the Senate building and gardens.  You can have a look through some rooms in the building as the senate is closed on the weekend.  They also had a great photo exhibition of the last 100 years of Prague.  1 photo board for every year.  They have certainly endured.

Yesterday we caught yet another tram and went up the top to the palace gardens which I think I mentioned yesterday as the best way to get into the castle.   We did venture into the castle grounds but the crowds and hordes of those tour sticks with minions following quickly had us head back out the gates.  The view seemed much better from the outside.

Prague castle from the outside

Last night on the recommendation of the tour director we went to a roof top bar on top of a shopping mall to have a drink.  We got an amazing table and sat and watched the sun go down.  Wh was really keen on eating some roast duck as it is evidently real Czech food.  This place didn’t have duck but it had stunning views and made a fabulous mojito (wh is not a fussy beer drinker so I can’t really say fabulous beer as it was probably just beer).

Early evening roof top bar


Sunset over the roof top.

Dinner was a very bad avocado salad, and some great pork schnitzel and bread and as you can tell by above photos it was an evening to remember.

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bye Prague it was a pleasure.

Tips for airlines

when flying – particularly with budget airlines always check the fine print.

when budget flying always pay the extra 5 or ten bucks to select your seat and have priority boarding as most are a free for all.

they are niggly weighers so watch your weight (luggage that is)

Tips for prague

prague is full of treasures that can be stumbled upon and are not busy nor crowded eg senate buildings and gardens, courtyard cafes on back streets, the public gardens with apple and pear trees and wonderful views.

Get up early and wander.  Put your feet up in the afternoon if you must.  The city is at its best sun rise and sun set.  Incidentally this seems to be its least crowded.

Find a roof top bar or restaurant and enjoy the sun setting.

Buy a 24 hour tram pass for 110 KR or about $7.  The 15 takes you between the towns and 22 takes you to the top castle entrance and gardens.  23 takes you in a loop through and stops at all the major tourist stops but is often very full so switch to 22.

wear good walking shoes.  Everything is very cobbley and as I said it’s a walking city.





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