May 8th – Bologna Italy

Bologna was an accidental stop really.  It was the only Italian airport accessed from Prague, with the exception of Rome and we didn’t want to go there.  We are camped for a couple of nights in a little studio apartment in a big brown block, just like all the other big brown blocks around us.  You forget how dark and brown Italy is especially after coming from the colour and light of Prague.

Decided that all men in Italy, or at least in Bologna have a beard and moustache, not a big one,  just that the havnt shaved for a week or so look.  Wh says they probably just didn’t shave yesterday.  I swear it is like 90% of them look like that, I noticed it at the airport and I am still noticing it.

Last night we ventured out for food and got lost, not in the good getting lost exploring and finding new things way, but in the my feet hurt, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m tired, it’s been a long day and I will just go home and drink water way.    We ended up just eating at the first place we saw a seat, ate an average meal and then came home to bed.

This morning had a lazy morning, did some washing, yippeeeeee, it is always such a ridiculous euphoric feeling when you are travelling and you come across a washing machine and then double bonus a courtyard with a drying rack.

Having a home blue day today which is that sense of missing everyone.  The familiarity of people and places and things that you surround yourself with at home sometimes feels along way from here.  I am not pining just in that mood of if wh said,  shall we go home now?  I would say yep ok.  Just like when you are at the pub and you decide ok that was good but now I’m ready for home.  Actually that’s  a bad example as wh would never be the one saying shall We go home now from the pub.  Unless he was sober driving.  Anway the feeling shall pass, as those sorts of feelings do when you wile them away with new things to think about.

Today we followed some local advice and went to a restaurant called,  e’cucina,  we were told get there early as it fills up fast and they were right.  We got lost, I know! Again! Even got assistance in map reading from a local and still we couldn’t find it.  Then suddenly in a eureka moment  we decided to get out the phone and google map it.  Turns out the local had marked the map wrong so we followed the talking lady and voila.

The photo below is the entranceway into e^cacina.  You go in on the left and then you walk past all the racks with the boxes a veges and stuff on.
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The local told us, that the owner is a very famous chef who decided he wanted to open a simple low cost restaurant to share his food. Left his exclusive expensive one.  It costs €15 and you get water, wine, bread, primi pasta, secondi main then desert and coffee.  It is what it is, you choose, sparkling or still water, then red, white or sparkling wine.  You then get served some cheese.  Then a choice of two pasta dishes and a choice of two mains and two desserts.  There is no can I have my steak medium or dressing on the side it is, what it is.    It was perfect  as between the two of us we had one of everything and it was delicious, all for the same price as last nights very average.  I did take photos of the food but they don’t do it justice, all I will say is that it was fresh and tasty.

the restaurant went from empty to fill in about half an hour.  The photo below is about one quarter of it.  But if you check out the corner you will see the sign for the toilets.  We then had to come home for a siesta.

They say that bologna is the foodies heaven so lucky we leave tomorrow as they may not have baguettes but they have this –

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