One fine day

Its been a couple of days now since my last blog.  The reasoning pretty simple

One fine day

a day spent doing nothing but lying under the Tuscan sun.  It was wonderful but not really blogging material.  A couple of deck chairs, a book and some sun.  Magical.  True it wasn’t any different than any other sun but it was great to feel it all the same.

the next day was a travel day.  We dropped the car back in Sienna and only got waylaid once.  Of course we blame Tom or the stupid woman who talks for him, but ditched them both in Siena and am pleased to see them gone, despite their assistance.

Got to the train station and just missed the train, so had to wait an hour for the next one,  (of course I blame Tom as per previous) changed trains in Florence and got to Bologna where we overnighted before heading to Lisbon this afternoon.

Were really keen to go back to L Cucina but it didn’t open til 8pm so we wandered through the streets.  Many were closed to traffic which is evidently what they do on Saturday and Sunday evenings.  Had an aperitif or two then climbed the dizzying heights of the double bell tower, as you do, because it’s only open on Saturday evening.

We have seen a lot of historical now but this church I keenly felt its presence.  It dated back to the 1st century and had layers and layers of history on top of itself.   When we came down from the tower there were families coming into church, with little kids walking in and crossing themselves, kneeling down then sitting in a pew ready for yet another generation of indoctrination.   The choir was singing and nuns and priests were chatting away, it was all quite surreal and strangely peaceful.  Like a scene from something else, somewhere else, but happening here amongst the tourists and the aperitif drinkers who were with us minutes ago, and the children and their parents.

the steps to the bell tower which was 1300’s were smooth and pitted in the middle. A step clearly marked.  You cannot help but wonder how many feet have trodden them through history, each one leaving its minuscule imprint which over the past 700 years now represents a bow in each piece of marble all the way to the top.  An couple of inches of history eroded into each and every one.
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Enough of history and religion, if you dig beneath the surface of either they are never very pleasant.  To cap of this lovely evening in Bologna we wound our way to our restaurant only to be asked If we had a booking, which we did not as we were told that you couldn’t book…. but evidently that is just for lunch, for dinner you need a booking.

Enough of dinner, only to say that this morning I am trapped in our room with its close proximity to the Bathroom hoping for things to calm down prior to this afternoons flight.

Check out the art of the day.   Even if it is yesterday’s.  Lots of shop doors are painted here as you can see by the first pic to demonstrate.   I nearly walked past the art of the day pic as when you are next to it all you can see is the ak47 but when I put my camera up to it the lens squishes it together and you see the boy.   I can’t really demonstrate how magical it is because obviously I can’t get you to see it through your eye first.  So just enlarge the pic so you can imagine it as a wall first.

Painted doors and shutters


Well that’s it for today the 20th of May.  Wish me luck

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