
Travelling can certainly be trying and tiring.  The stress levels can be raised disproportionately to the problem. I would call myself a seasoned traveler who faces each travelling day with a fait accompli and a mind set to go with the flow and just get the job done so to speak.   It’s more of lie back and think of England day than sex on a  stick and unlike life, it’s definitely not about the journey but all about getting to the destination.

I must say however how much easier it is to go with the flow now I no longer smoke.  It’s incredibly arduous to add looking for the nearest smoking haunt at every change of transport mode to the long list of annoyances, especially when the nicotine monster is crawling through your insides.   (On that note a shout out to the amazing L, you are doing it, well done).

I have decided to write this travel blog about travel days now, to just get it all out there, all the the joys of travelling over the past few days and then if it doesn’t post then at least it will be cathartic and not feel a massive disappointment.   You see currently I cannot seem to access my website so I have no idea if you will.   I can’t post pics and I paid for a days premium wifi only for it to block my site.    I do not wish to do another cathartic techno phobia one so here goes.

When travelling on travel days there are a whole lot of steps that lead to others that lead to others.   The potential to trip and fall at any given stage of the process is high, no matter how organised you are, as you are not in control of all the paths.   At times it can feel like the world is against you as the frustrations of ridiculous first world problems collide consecutively into each other until they feel like they are actually real problems.

It’s the getting to the bus stop just as the bus pulls out.   Its the  lines or queues or whatever you want to call them.  The people who finally get to the front of the Check in counter and then start searching their bag for their passport, who are the same ones who do the same thing with their laptop at security.  The backpack people who carry their bag on there shoulder, not their back and walk down the aisle as their pack trails behind them shoulder charging you in your aisle seat whilst they walk on without a backward glance.  But worst of all is coughing, sneezing man.

He always some how sits behind me.  With every cough I can feel the air leeching between the seat backs and into my space.  Every sneeze I can picture the little droplets raining down from overhead.  I don’t want to say “bless you”  I want to say “wear a bloody mask”.  Here’s one for the did you know:  In Hong Kong it is impolite when you have a cold not to wear a mask.  The rest of the world should take note.

Next I am afraid is toilet etiquette, this ones for the ladies as I don’t really think men have the same issues.  If you go back to the queues issue then ladies toilets are the pinnacle.  I really want to know what some ladies do in there.  Seriously.  How long can it take?  I really don’t want to see you come out with your hair immaculately brushed and your lips done and nose powdered, there is a queue waiting to get in.  Get in, get out, brush your hair and do your lips someplace else.  If I only turned the comment button on we could have a survey in regard to the following –

When the only toilet available is a disability one fitted with a hand basin, mirror  and dryer, and yet there is another perfectly good handbasin and dryer and mirror outside the toilet door, with all the people in the queue would you,

A, stay in the toilet and wash and dry your hands and probably do your make up and brush your hair in the mirror or

B, do your business and then wash up outside the toilet cubicle, you know, where all the people are queuing patiently and wash your hands, and if you must, then do your hair and put your make up on out there.  Being the fifth person in the said queue I can tell you that only 2 out of 5 woman chose B and one was me.

So with queues and toilets and plane sneezing and other travel bugs it’s easy to see why the iPad needs to go flying out the window when it won’t let you log in and then with all those ridiculous first world issues out of the way I very much hope that I will be able to post this and work out how to load pictures again as I have some brilliant ones.  Of Lisbon and it’s colourful houses and rambling streetcars.  Of Oporto and it’s magnificent bridges over the twisting Douro.

But  also I just remembered that I never actually wrote a blog to leave Italy  so,   let’s leave the men with three day stubble beards, the place where I never got to eat the beautiful raspberry tart, of only one fine day under the Tuscan sun but fill of days to reminisce about, the Tuscan cooked meal, the restaurant L Cucina, the towers of Pisa and Lucca and Sienna,   plus so much more and so much more to do on return.

Tips for Tuscany
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Go when it’s sunny

Rent a small car.  if they try to upgrade you say no thanks and stay small.  Driving is fine, especially if you have a wh with nerves of steel.

Trains are good.  regional trials are also very cheap.

Rent your car from a smaller destination and preferably an airport as unlike train stations they are not in the central city and have good in and out car access with directions.

Stay somewhere where you can look after yourself.  Use Airbnb or HomeAway, both of which we used with no issues and got a cottage.  It’s nice to just wake up and have cornflakes and do your washing and practice your pasta making.







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