Bordeaux: Saint Emilion:

Lots been happening since my last blog, well it must have been lots because I am struggling to remember.   I know it’s rained a lot.  We stopped at St Jean Deluz, which was very picturesque but it rained and the thunder and lightning was spectacular.   I think the most memorable part of the day apart from having cold wet feet was our trip back to the ship in the tender and the multiple attempts to get alongside.


The town was really pretty with a large sea front promenade and beautiful red shuttered houses and shops.  The only problem was it felt like the lightning was going to attack the little spike on the top of the too small umbrella and we would be toast any second.

On to Bordeaux where we docked up the river awaiting a berth further up.  We went to the UNESCO village of Saint Emilion, which was of course lovely.  The weather was kind and the thunder threatened, like a loud bully, but it never came to anything.


We got back to the ship and then the ship relocated up the river to a great spot right on Bordeaux’s doorstep.  The drawbridge had to open for us to sail underneath.


I know check out the poser who got in my photo!  Once docked we plied the streets in the misty rain and it was a bit like deja vu as the mind reminisced in regard to what it had seen before.

WH is not 100% and is suffering quietly, with not quite enough puff and a grotty nose, so there was no evening venture into the city just a quiet dinner in preparation for a good night’s sleep, but check out the view from our balcony looking aft.  ( that reminds me I will tell you a funny story later)


This morning we were to join a bike tour.  At 7.00am WH still soundly sleeping so I snuck out the door to get some touristy photos without the tourists in them. Alas was not to be as all I got was wet, and tired.   Returned to the ship and WH had at least slept on.  The bike tour was canceled so the day was yet to unfold.

We decided to walk to the markets which we had seen the day before as we came up the river but on our arrival alas they were closed on a Monday.  Every other day  would have been fine.

The rain had stopped so we decided to do our own bike tour and grabbed a couple of bikes from one of those bike and go stations. We biked to the bridge, down the cobblestone lanes, ouch, into the squares, around the roundabouts, and never got run over yippee.  When WH had run out of puff again we came back to the ship and gave him a nice cup of tea and a little rest, which meant reading stuff for an hour or so then headed back out.


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I think that is about it for day.  WH is feeling a bit better which I hope continues as tomorrow we stop at ‘the beautiful island’ which is what Belle lle is supposed to be.

funny story

we were in the elevator talking to an American couple about how disoriented you can get on the ship.  The elevator stopped on our floor and I said I know what you mean I always turn to go aft instead of to the bow.   As the lift doors were closing we hear her saying to her husband “what does she mean ass”. He says “it’s just slang don’t worry “.    Bloody uncouth  kiwis talkings about asses.

tips for Bordeaux

dont lose your credit card like moi, but enough said we shall not dwell and it’s just another hiccup in the rainy nontourist photo shoot, bike tour cancelled, WH run out of puff, rainy Bordeaux day, which was actually ok.

go to a restaurant and have menu du jour.

rent a bike from the bike stand you cover lots of ground and there are good cycle lanes.

try not to run out of puff and keep taking your vitamin c.


Art of the day will have to be us passing under a bridge going into Bordeaux.

Au revoir



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