Wales to Birmingham

I just downloaded my photos which was a really good idea because it reminded me of the calmness and serenity of how the day began, which was in stark contrast to how it finished.


Good morning from the room with a view in Portmeiron.

We stayed at the most amazing place, just outside Porthmadog which was our original destination due to the fact it was by the sea, or so I thought.  Alas it was not and I was wanting the sea so we travelled a little further. The darkness falls really quickly and I might just add a quick note that it helps if your car has its headlights on but that’s another story for another day.  We pulled up at Portmeiron gates, fed up and settling for anything really,  asked if there  was a vacancy and whola, dinner, bed and breakfast, all immediate problems solved.

Our room was at the top of a windy staircase and a long narrow creaky boarded hallway.  Just another few steps and not quite the attic.  I am not carrying the bag of course but on the plus side there is only one as I had the sense to pack everything we weren’t going to need for a few days in another bag and leave it in the car.   Our room is very quaint with all that that word encompasses.  We are in need of food but probably more particular of wine.

Our hotel with attic room on the end at the left.


Our dinner was superb.  A three course meal, although no course was very large and it was great.  Beetroot and carrot tart, followed by butternut tortellini with brocollini, followed by Eaton mess with raspberry and rose water.   WH has crusted duck egg, venison and parsnip and blueberry soufflé.  Sorry but you really had to be there so no point in describing more.

We are still early to bed early to rise and as you can see by the above photo dawn broke to a spectacular day.  The place we were at was beautiful in its absurdity.  A little faux Italian village complete with domes and Roman pillars and waterfalls, on the Welsh coast.


We climbed up to the top and wandered around and then headed back for the best breakfast we have had for a long time.  No soggy sideboard full of lukewarm sausage , WH orders smoked kippers and poached egg and I ever adventurous order eggs Benedict.  Both were lovely served with hot tea and toast delivered to your table.


We bid farewell to Hotel Portmeiron and decide to cross over Snowdonia National Park and  head towards the tallest canal,  Pontcysyllte aqua duct. But first just one more photo.


The drive through Snowdonia Park is lovely. Sometimes we get down to a single lane with no road marking but it’s nothing like Italy.  It’s tarsealed and open and there are not huge drops on either side.   The mountains are made of stone or probably more accurately, slate, but I have no idea.  I just know they are black and shingley and barren.

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The countryside is pretty, with endless stone walls and dreary grey stone houses.  Every now and then we pass a village and think, perhaps Stella lives here? Or maybe Gav and Stacey. (For those of you not in the know they are two great welsh comedy programmes)

We stop for a photo op but end up having lunch at the pub as it’s the only place to park.  Turns out the sun wasn’t right for photos and I haven’t got a filter but the ham, lettuce and tomato sandwich was just like home and delicious.  The pub is at the end of the swing bridge and they have photos of the water running over the top of the boards, and yes nay saying children I did walk across.


We moved on from here to the aqua duct and again were met with low, weak sun, straight into the lens. I know I shouldn’t complain and just seize the moment but I am disappointed.   The aqua duct height is out of my league and I make it about 15 metres in.  It is a sheer drop on the other side of the canal as in bad photo below.

1CA6DC5C-E044-479D-BBB6-38E1265BA14E.jpegThe engineering feat is quite amazing, and it’s history absorbing so well worth a visit.


With leave here and head for Ludlow but 30 minutes into it we realise it will be nearly dark when we get there so we abandon it and back track again this time headed for the Novotel at Birmingham airport.  Our plan is to check in and get rid of our bags then drop the rental car back and that way we don’t have to worry about it in the morning.

But first one more gentle reminder of the peaceful journey meandering through the picturesque Welsh countryside.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERASomewhere in Snowdonia

Night drops like a curtain, but this time we have lights so all good.  Motorways Criss Cross each other, but we have sat nav so all good.  Take the A this and the M that, the 2nd exit, and the third lane.  With only one hiccup of entering a car park which we then had to pay 2 quid to get out of, we arrive at the Novotel.  We check in and drop our bags, all going to plan so far and we head back out to take the car back – just down the road.   WH mentions that we haven’t filled it up so we hit “fuel near our location” on sat nav and proceed to the highlighted route.

We sail past the petrol station as the sat nav lady, who has been pretty good in the countryside, tells us we have reached our destination on the left.  Oh yes it is on the left, but two lanes over and on a slip way.   We recalculate, recalculate.  Off the motorway and take the 3rd exit.  Who has time to count, what lane should we be in. One, two, three, off.  Nope wrong.  Recalculating, recalculating.  We actually end up in the countryside near Coventry which is bit funny really.  We search again for fuel near us and this time we end up at a defunct petrol station which is now a car sales.  Recalculating, recalculating.

”please” I implore just take the bloody car back and pay extortionist fuel prices.  “Nope it’s a challenge now, it can be done” WH is on a mission.   Back again to the motorway.  Take the 6th exit.   Noooooooooooooo wrong again.   You get the picture, but in fact we did get fuel and WH has proved yet again that he is far more patient and tolerant than me (just for those of you who doubted).  We dropped the car back and headed for wine.

Must fly as have a plane to Dublin to catch. No time for proofing so apologise in advance.

art of the day.  Exploring the world.  A sculpture from Portmeiron.


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