
Flight to Dublin all ok and drama free.  Taxi rank was ridiculously long so found an Uber and made it to our hotel.  Went out and about for a wander into town.  Went the wrong way by following the twinkling lights but eventually turned ourselves around.  Found the bustling shopping centre which was all lit up with Christmas lights.


Bought the compulsory Christmas decoration, found some Ireland travel maps, got an official IRFU cap for the collection.  Job done.


A lot of ground had now been covered so we stopped at a pub for a Guinness, and G&T then back through Trinity College and along the riverfront to our hotel.   Wandered into bar and chatted with some fellow Kiwis catching up on travels and anticipating tomorrow’s game.



We actually slept until 6.30am this morning so it’s only taken a week to get into the zone.  Another week and we will be home so will have to set the clock the other way.

Headed out to explore some more and the tip from the boys at the hotel the night before had said to buy a visitor pass which we did.   We walked up through/the Temple Bar district

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And then jumped on a tram.  Rode around for half an hour just seeing what we could see and then got off at St Stephen’s green.  They had the most amazing statue, or maybe sculpture, there which was on loan from a private collection.  It’s called the haunted soldier, and it’s of a weary soldier returning home after world war 2.  Its made from all sorts of bits of metal. It’s an incredible piece and certainly has to be art of the day.

Rode the tram one way then the next and decided we had seen all we wanted to see for now and headed back to the hotel.

looking forward to tonight’s game but everyone we have talked to seems of the same consensus that the day games are so much better but I guess for all of you at home the evening game means you get to see it live at breakfast.  Go the All Blacks.


buy a LEAP visitor card.  Can buy them in 1, 3 or five days.  Can catch the airport bus plus the tram, dart and buses.

Art of the day:  The haunted Soldier



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