Giants Causeway

Busy, busy day.  We spent the night at Derry and when light came in the morning we walked the city walls.  Evidently they are the oldest complete walls in Ireland.  The day is unfolding to be a stunner.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHaving hit the furthest northern point we were now travelling south down the coastal road with the aim to be in Belfast before dark.  Our first stop is Lions gate and it’s beautiful.  You can drive right onto the beach below and see the dome in the distance.


Al’s coffee cart greets you in the car park,  he is not yet set up so he hands us a brochure and promises coffee on our return.  The walk through the ruins in its spectacular location is stunning.  The temple is actually a library which sits at the end of a path that is slowly being eroded by time and elements.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAAl is good for his word and makes a great flat white which is very welcome after our fresh, brisk walk.  The sun is shining but it’s still only 6 degrees outside.  We farewell Al who tells us he has the best job in the world and has been doing it for 12 years.

We wind our way to the Dark Hedge, made famous from Game of Thrones.  We arrived with bus loads of tourists so was difficult to get a good shot, but I like this one with reflections in the puddle.


We got talking to an older South African couple who were touring in a camper van.  We saw it in the car park with a map of the world with so many countries marked off.  WH asked them how long they had been on holiday and they replied “6 years”.Some of the medicine is used to cure levitra online erectile dysfunction. This means that when these blood vessels dilate there is an improved blood flow into your penis Is buying online risky? There are always doubts in your mind when deciding whether order viagra overnight. Any variation of the viagra cialis achat coordination leads to erection of penis. 2. Musli Strong capsules are the best price levitra aphrodisiac foods for men available in the online market.

We move on towards the Giants Causeway, a world heritage site of natural wonder and on reaching it I can say it is.  We feel under pressure for time as you could spend hours here walking the tracks and exploring.  The rocks jut out from the foreshore all like hexagonal towers.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIt has its own Giant legend story and that along with the geology lessons is all really fascinating but time ticks by and we cheat and catch a shuttle bus back up the to the top.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe head towards Garrick rope bridge and duck and dive between  beautiful little bays.  The one below we literally stumbled on and is actually a wrong turn.  It was a lucky wrong turn as by the time we get to the rope bridge the light is gone .

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe end up giving the bridge a miss and take a picture from the distance. The sun is going down and we are still away from Belfast.  I could tell you a few hairy  travel stories but don’t want to spoil the day so leave them be so they can  fade into the background and disappear.

We arrive at our apartment in Belfast, which is great, and then head out to explore.  There is a lot to explore.


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