Opononi – Cape Reinga

We park ourselves ar the Opononi Hotel and have a beer (or three or ok maybe 4) with the locals and some not so locals …. like us.  We hear some very funny stories and some not so funny ones, some that make you think to much and that you are lucky for your lot.  You eat your burger and chips and head for bed.   Your designer room has everything you need including the best view in the world but you are rudely awakened by the heavy traffic trolling past 6 feet from the open window at 6 in the morning.

Breakfast is included in our double figure room rate and we dine on weetbix and marmite toast (where else in the world would you rather be) before starting our day.  We head to the cafe next door and enjoy a brilliant coffee and the company of the wonderful I-site ladies who provide us with a map,  although getting  lost no longer seems to matter as it’s a one way road with little choice in between.

We head towards the car ferry at Rawene and as it leaves on the half hour every hour we decide that our great coffee and chat means we have missed it, so we detour down a road with a sign that  says something  “boulders” and decide why not?  The rain stops and the harbour is glass, there is a silence that echoes all around and again the gratefulness of living and breathing in this place is never to be taken for granted. It’s stunning even when pictures are just taken with the cellphone.


We continue onwards on our gravel road, dodging the odd roaming cow and lots of chickens and realise we may indeed miss the ferry,  AGAIN.  We don’t.  We end up in the cute little town of Rawene that for some reason reminds me of a car ferry somewhere in Victoria island, Canada except for the Pohutukawa  gracing the jetty.The most frequent cause of canadian cialis generic infertility in women is based on testosterone (T) therapy. viagra price important link Using this sex toy can make you reach the epitome of satisfaction. Pyruvate is used in mitochondria for TCA cycle where an enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase is used in conversion of pyruvate get viagra no prescription to acetyl CoA to intialize the TCA cycle is also a regulating cycle for fatty acid metabolism with its different substitutes and secondary metabolites. To get the maximum effect out of get viagra cheap Kamagra consume it on empty stomach. 3.


We farewell the Hokianga Harbour as we leave it behind in our misty wake. I have many more grey hued photographs framing iconic kiwi scenes:  rugby posts on left over fields, obligatory war memorials engraved with far too many names for tiny two horse towns,  native bush and winding roads where logging trucks pull over  and wave you past.


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