Getting there – to Osaka

The day was long and much could be written about the journey to Osaka.  We could start with processing being called to halt at Auckland airport and finish with landing in Tokyo some 14 hours later with  our flight to Osaka having been cancelled.. so a bus ride, then a plane ride then a train ride later we arrived at our hotel.  This we were so very  grateful for as it had been a VERY VERY long day.

There was no sign of the typhoon which had held this part of the country to ransom the day before, the sun was showing its face and the wind was but a whisper.  We were grateful for this as well.  But most of all in the egocentric mentality that comes with fatigue I was most grateful for my bed.

We had seen at the airport when we landed at Osaka that Japan had beaten Scotland so the quarter finals will provide great entertainment in a weeks time.  Meanwhile we woke to a cloudy day and head out to navigate our way through subways and metros and feet to buy rail passes and then head to Osaka castle.  This sounds easy but was no mean feat.


We met quite a few kiwis on the way and with the two degrees it’s amazing how someone always knows someone from OTOROHANGA.

The castle and it’s grounds entertained us and we wandered at leisure through the grounds and its surrounds.  Queued for the famous Osaka octopus balls delicacy but can’t say that any of us found it appealing.It helps to increase the thickness and length of the penis, which adds to the pleasure of their partner rather than shop cialis their own Men love pleasing their spouse or ladylove more during sex. buy cialis Indulging in happy intimate moment is no more a matter to think is the side effects of these pills. It enlarges when the veins collect blood but when the frequency of ED goes higher, it can be viewed to be a serious generico viagra on line medical problem. That pfizer viagra cheap however is not the case with younger men.



They were having a “Bojutsu” competition in the big hall.  (We had to google what it was called as we are not that clever).  It was entertaining to watch and involved lots of yelling and fake foot stamping and whacking with sticks.  Three strikes and you are out.


The most around Osaka castle grounds.

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