

Love it.  We decided to do a traditional Japanese stay prior to heading to Tokyo and nothing disappointed.   The ryokan “Gion Hatanaka” was traditional from the entrance to the tatami mats,  the sliding doors and kimonos.


I shall have to do more than one post as there was so much to see and do.  This one will be all about the ryokan.  Our meal was to be served in our room so we all put on our house clothes ready for the dinner.

Sitting on the cushion side on the floor with creaking knees and hips was an experience in itself.  We could see why they gave you house clothes which were baggy linen pants with wraparound tops as the were more flexible than us.


The art of the meal was spectacular.  The way it was served and what it was served in.  Each little box or jar or bowl holding something new. I can’t say I was a fan of the food as it was mostly seafood and a lot of mushrooms, neither of which I am a fan of, however the meal was special.  The courses kept coming and coming so even if you ate only a taste it felt plenty.


With dinner finished we decided to go for a wander and see if the lanterns were lit but I will save that for another’s blog and stay with the ryokan.  Whilst we were gone they clear away the dinner and place out the sleeping mats and sleeping kimonos.


They were more comfortable than they look but I would definitely not be swapping my bed for a futon mat anytime soon.

J decided to go check out the onsen and put her togs on to go for a dip but got a bit of a shock to see all the women were naked.  She braved it the next morning and had the whole pool to herself.   The rituals of the showers, ladles, wooden stools, mineral pool, shower, moisturiser is all very calming.    Shame I was off doing the laundry as there was one just down the road.


Above photo is of the bathroom in our room.  It has a little wooden stool and bowl as well, that you can’t see in the photo.  We finished our experience with breakfast this morning where we were expecting some rice porridge as the night before they had said, “rice porridge or mushroom rice?”  We were met with yet another array of all manner of weird and wonderful concoctions.  I ate the egg roll and the grapefruit jelly.
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So all in all a great experience and one that will sit high in the bucket list moments especially as it was shared whanau.  I am indeed a lucky, lucky lady.












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