Love it.  It’s one of those places that unveils something new around each corner and you walk and walk and walk.  Kyoto the pushy personal trainer or maybe it’s the boogie boarding nana “just one more”as it pushes you further and further around yet another turn until you are finally broken.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIts full of lanes of wooden houses like the ones below, and shrines like the one above.

There are restaurants and galleries and all sorts of things

It was almost like Italy where they have a siesta in the afternoon as we finally found a great little dumpling place and they said “no sorry closed”.  So we walked and walked some more.  Finally stumbling into Hard Rock Cafe for a much needed G&T for me and Corona for the others, and of course a burger.

Revived we wander some more and then head back for our Japanese dinner which you already know all about.  We decide to order a cab for 0630 (I say we but I mean me, and ask if anyone else wants to come)  I want to visit the Fushimi Inari shrine and it’s famous torii gates but I want to do it with good light and not hoards of people.  Everyone is keen and although I have my doubts I order two cabs.You can talk to your doctor to figure out what is causing your anxiety. tadalafil professional Physical and mental strength are necessary to gain bigger free viagra prescription and harder erection. Arguably, the levitra prescription famed Amorela is considered to be better than the other. Well, the dosage of online sildenafil tabs 60 mg for sale should be run under doctor s guidance and prescription.


The morning brings rain and I am a little disappointed with the grey light but on the plus side everyone is present and accounted for.  The orange torii gates are amazing despite the low grey mist and rain.  They glow regardless and my assumption that the sun reflected off them to give them light was obviously wrong.   We walk the mountain with only a few other early birds and are grateful to have yet again been able to experience the sites and sounds and culture.

I have put the photons in a different format so I hope you can see them as a slide show.  It’s game day today so am going to cut this short and soak it up, so in short, Kyoto is amazing and ranks one of my favourite cities in the world.  It has its own unique vibe and I only wished for more time.


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