I am not a Brave Blossom


Mural in subway


Bit of a mishap yesterday which probably has to go into the travel archives and one day maybe even in just a couple of years, I will look back and laugh. Hahahaha, but not just yet.

the kids were heading home and it was decided to grab an Uber and head to a shopping precinct that D and D had been to before.  Whilst wandering through the lobby with the phone in my hand I tried to walk through a glass wall.  I literally looked straight through it to the cafe beyond.  The good news is the glass didn’t shatter but my finger did.

It was pretty grotesque and out of shape and as it had bent the wrong way it split the skin on the underside of my finger.  Ouch.  No pictures required.  Popped it back in but blood and grizzling and people, and then  Men in suits, security guards, Tokyo fire department, sirens she was all go.   Ouch ouch

It all gets a bit lost in translation as the paramedics ask if I have been drinking alcohol and WH says “yes”.  “No” I say at least not this morning. they repeat “you ok now, calm down please” despite the fact that I am very calm with my hand wrapped in a bloody towel and very very sore.   They all think I have cut my finger and  I try to explain the dislocation.  Lost in translation.
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We get to the hospital and a lovely nurse with wonderful English gets the message of the dislocation and across I go to X-ray.  WH has been posted somewhere in a waiting room.  My lovely nurse has disappeared and I the dr comes back to explain treatment and sutures and tendons and I have had enough and ask for WH.  “ No, no after sutures” they keep saying.  I decide to just hold onto my hand and repeat that I would like my husband please.  The theory of repeating something over and over works as the poor young just out of high school dr leaves and returns with the English speaking nurse who then gets WH.

With WH there to help me translate I get 6 stitches, ouch, ouch the anaesthetic really stings, the cleaning, stings, ouch, ouch.  I have decided Japanese are hard ass.  “Calm down lady ok”.  They don’t say that but I say it to myself and breathe deeply.

We eventually get discharged and pay the bill rushing to get back just in time to bade farewell to the rest of the whanau.  What a bloody drama to end what has been a fantastic week with the family.   I feel bad that I ruined their  last day in Tokyo and sad that I didn’t get to spend it with them.  Miss them already.

Today the weather has been wet and it’s a good day to have time out, let the swelling go down and get set to hopefully feel better tomorrow.  Just in case you’re wondering the photo at the start is a mural in the subway.  I thought it could represent the seeing eye and be reminder to watch where you going.



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