Lock Down

Today my calendar alerts me that I have a plane to catch.  WH and I, plus daughter and grandchild in tow.  A trip to Paris to take in its sights followed by a week in Rome, with a visit to Pompeii which was researched and planned by a ten year old with all the excitement that buried villages of long ago can entail.   Then there was the month after said daughter and grandchild had left and the beckoning of a beautiful french cottage set in Provence, with its electric bikes and promise of wonderful sights, sounds and tastes.  Followed up by the tulips in Amsterdam, the canals of Bruge and the history of Brussels. Then last but not least  a cruise from Stockholm to the long dreamt and widely read about fairytale St Petersburg.

Yet here we are in Lock Down.  Week two is the milestone today.  Go home, stay home.  Wash your hands. Stay home, Save lives. Keep in your bubble. These are the new norms.

Lock Down

Weird things are happening and the feelings are foreign.  Like not being able to hug your mum when you drop of her groceries, just put them down and back away.  She’s sometimes a bit too huggy anyway, demanding one at each end of the hallway as you leave, but it’s innately unnatural to just step away .   Then of course there is the flourless supermarkets where you queue in long snaking chains two metres apart, that stretch through car parks and along the paths.  There will be no grandchildren descending for Easter at the beach and no famous NANA treasure hunt where she hides coins in plastic eggs around the garden  to be discovered and spent at the dairy down the road.

Yet here we are in this weird and not wonderful time and there is so much to be grateful for.   I send the kids a snapchat of the sunrise,every morning on my walk along the beach just to say hello. There have been some spectacular ones and this morning I decided to get my camera and stop snapping with my phone.  Where else would you rather be and as Kiwi’s are stuck all around the world it really reminds you of this fact.  We are home and there is no place like it.  I am grateful.

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So I am going to take some pictures of “home” and share them on my blog just like I do when I am travelling.  Literally it will be my neighbourhood.  It will be on my walk or on my bike and all within the proximity of my house and of course all at safe distance.  Then at the end of 2020 when I go to print these pages I wont have Paris and Rome and St Petersburg but I will have home and as already said there is nowhere in the world I would rather be than here sharing it with you.



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