In the Neighbourhood

Today my diary says we land in Paris and check into our City hotel, walking distance to the Eiffel Tower, the great Paris landmark.  I wonder if Parisians feel the same about her towering presence as I feel about Mauao.  The comfort and solidity of a large, forever present, presence.

Today I biked through our industrial neighbourhood.  I approached the first main roundabout with the gleefulness of a child let loose down a hill on a tricycle.  I wanted to ride through it hard and fast, then take my feet of the pedals and just drift with my feet in the air.  I have never before crossed this roundabout on my bike as it always seems to busy, to aggressive, to daunting, yet here it is abandoned but for the odd rumble of a truck on the overpass or a car going about its business (essential of course).


I know that I said this is my travel blog and instead of writing about our time in Europe I was going to write about how lucky I am to be here, in this space, as there is truly no place like home.  I know I said its about being grateful and making the most of whatever this is, discovering and celebrating the neighbourhood but my gleeful excitement is soon abandoned as I bike down Newton Street.  Its desertion is confronting as in fact was the whole mornings ride.


Its hard not to feel for the businesses or more so the people within them and wonder how many will return.   We are lucky as we get to keep going in a new kind of normal and whilst the offices lay dormant the wheels keep turning, whereas site after site lays empty, alone and abandoned.



The Covid sign for the day has to be “online” as even the church reaches out in this contactless bubble society.  Online is how we meet and greet as families and friends and businesses and govt connect through the mystery of the internet and things like ZOOM become part of the everyday language.
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I can’t wait for tomorrow so I can return to seek the alleys and lanes and find the art and the water and feed the soul and forget, or at least not dwell, on the emptiness of today.

Lock down,  it is what it is,  so we stay in our bubbles and obey they signs and remind ourselves constantly that this too will pass.



and its a time to seek out the beauty in the ordinary.



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