In the neighbourhood

Day 30 Lockdown. Friday the 24th April. Diary London.

Today we ventured off on the bikes with the knowledge of our hot tip in regard to some street art we had missed. Funny thing was we had been down both the streets on either side but never ventured in the lane, it was really hard to spot and once in there it was already apparent it was disappering. I wonder if its hard for street artists to view their art as temporary when art is usually something that we hold onto and protect.

There is a man who comes down to the beach and spends hours and hours sculpting sand castles and then having them washed away. Does the temporariness of them make you more grateful for having witnessed them? Thats how I feel when I see them. Grateful for having witnessed them, just like last nights sunset. Early on in Lockdown we were walking on the beach at low tide and passed a man who was sculpting a large whale in the sand. He described to us how to him it was a representation of how people felt at the moment, “beached”, “stranded” but the tide would come in and wash this whale back out to sea and that was what we had to remember. I took the positive of that to be that “everything was going to be ok” we just had to wait for the tide to come in far enough. I really hope that 30 days is long enough.

Stranded sand whale

We move on and the street art hot tip was worth the bike ride. It was a people lane and lucky we found it now as its already disappearing. Mostly black and white, it was a pair of wise eyes peering out from behind a container, it was time eroding the appearance of an elderly gentleman just as time erodes us all, and a young man with a confidence pose which you can only hope that he exudes in reality.

Then there was a bit of colour, in chains already being painted out, Grey. If you had to name a colour a describe these adjectives Depressing? Bleak? Mediocre? I say that Grey would be your answer. Black and white and all the shades in between are brilliant. They are dramatic and alive just like the old gentlemen, the young man and the wise eyes, all shades of grey. So I hope that the half painted out wall finds some other shades of grey or colour to once again bring it to life.

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Wise eyes
Time erodes
Fight back against the Grey

Thank you street artists you are amazing.

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