Last Day. Lockdown level 4.

Lockdown day 33. Thanks to those who let me know I did day 31 twice when in fact yesterday was day 32. I did say it was same ole, same ole but repeating a whole day seems recklessly mean. We can all be forgiven for feeling that we are on some sort of ground hog day: wake up, stay home, wash hands, be grateful, stay in your bubble, be kind, repeat. Wake up, stay home, be grateful, wash hands, be kind, stay in your bubble, repeat. At times being grateful has taken a considerable effort as the use of the rather gentler “same ole, same ole, expression has definitely felt more aligned to same s*#t different day. Yet I succumb to the age old belief that we choose our own attitude and exploring the neighbourhood has definitely given me the material for glass half full.

When the distance of time is placed between Covid and a future without it then there will be many things to be remembered and my coffee table blog book will indeed speak of my travels. It has been great opening my eyes and taking time to see things that have been there but most of all it has really helped in the positivity stakes and I thank all the artists for their brilliance. Its also been great to hear from those of you who have also now wandered, or biked and even scootered through the back lanes and alleys exploring and enjoying the spectacle. Those of you who haven’t then you have something to look forward too. (and one in particular, get wandering, You know who you are?)

There is a collection of photos below which are there to remind me, once printed in the coffee cup blog book of travels, that although the light might not have been great nor the finished picture do the subject justice the moments in time were in fact surreal.

this one is titled “paying our respects to Papatuanuku”.
brilliant, amazing, talent. thank you for sharing.
Empty Easter campgrounds
Deserted airports
Hidden in plain sight
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Morning rush

Leaving lock down feels good, despite the fact that nothing changes for our bubble. It feels like we are at least moving forward. At the same time I feel under pressure to keep the travel blog light and breezy and positive and am actually pleased to be able to now break until the next travel adventure begins. Perhaps it is the sense of the unknown or maybe it is the sense of negativity which seems to be seeping into the country’s cloak of patience and togetherness. Perhaps I think too much and it is quite simply that my exploring of the neighbourhood is done. Whatever it is we now venture into level three and we choose our attitude, mines good but the reality is “It is what it is”, “we are where we are” and the question is simply ” so where to from here”?

Today in the pre Covid universe WH and I were to pick up a rental car and travel to a wonderful cottage in St Remy de Provence, complete with a couple of push bikes to spend the next ten days exploring Provence. Maybe, one day. My hopes at this time are many, but in terms of travel ,it is simply that in a couple of months I will be back communicating with all of you – Whanau and friends – travel blogging away from a wonderful spot in Aotearoa. Maybe with a couple of grand kids in tow, maybe deep south, maybe the Coromandel, maybe the West Coast, maybe, maybe, maybe.

But for now level three: Stay home, wash your hands, be grateful, be kind, stay in your bubble (you can make it a tiny bit bigger) Repeat, and remember this too will pass.

Grateful to the street artists of Mauao. Thank you.

Grateful for beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Thank you

Grateful for loving, amazing Whanau and Friends. Thank you.

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