Are we there yet?

Making use of the wifi yet again whilst watching the flight path on the screen, passing over towns and cities that don’t sit easily in my geographical repertoire. The only times I hear them are perhaps in geopolitics or ancient bible stories. The Red Sea, Luxor, Amman, Baghdad. It’s exciting to be heading somewhere we have never been before.

It says we have 1 hour 30 mins to go so we are indeed nearly there. Can’t fault Singapore Airlines with their service. All in all a good trip, although if you had of asked me twelve hours ago, whilst trying to stay awake in Singapore, I would not of agreed, in fact I was vowing never to do the straight through travel again.

Walking, walking, walking. Round and round clocking up the steps and trying to convince our minds that is not 3am in the morning. Unfortunately the body knows and it begins to let you know. Sitting down makes the eyes slide shut and the head jolts up as it slips off the shoulders and your chin hits your chest. Walk, walk, walk. We even caught the train to terminal something for something new to do, yiipppeeee.

One travel tip that I now swear by is pressure socks for flying long haul. They may look dodgy in shorts but man do they work and luck behaving it, I don’t wear shorts. I noted whilst waiting to board in Singapore how many of the young, instagrammy, fancy camera carrying, lulu lemon backpackers were putting them on before boarding although I then decided it might be because of the astronomical size of the water bottles they were filling. I have no idea where that much fluid can go. I also wonder if they can or should still be called backpackers. I feel a new name is required but fuzzy jet lag brain isn’t letting me invent one. Anyway good to land without swollen canckles.

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