Great Expectations

Let’s talk about this. Great expectations. Travelling, like many things we plan and look forward to, can lead us with great expectations that often in reality leave us feeling flat. Therefore I endeavour to have few, expectations that is. I try to establish a go with the flow mentality which is far from my normal mentality. But adopt it I must to ensure I can manage my own expectations.

The very first bus tour through Europe we did early 20 years ago our main fear was that we would be with a whole lot of old people. We weren’t but we were never again to do a bus tour. Not for us we decided. Then cruising was suggested and we thought again, nah old people, but then we realised we were 20 years on ourselves and the thought of unpacking once and waking up in a new place every day was appealing.

What is not appealing though in group travel is the people. Whilst travel is all about meeting new people and all that that entails I am afraid that some people are just not meant to be met. I outlined in a previous blog about the first meet of the group. The first glimpse as the pack gathers to herded in one direction. The summing up. I try to get the whole “judge not lest you be judged” thing going but come on it’s what we do. The judgement that is so far wrong in as much as its so far right.

We are joining the bus and ours is number ten. They are just little buses but still that’s a lot of buses to organise so let’s be calm. With 6 buses all lined up out side and ready to go the “panicker” makes her mark.

“Oh no we are bus number 8. There is no number 8. Oh no. Excuse me. Excuse me. Sir, sir, sir. There is no bus number 8. I am on bus number 8.”

You get the picture. You who are reading this will know the answer she has to be told three times right: Your bus will be along soon Madam, as soon as these ones leave and we can park another bus”

Then there is the loud one. The one whose voice you can hear over all others. “Last year when I was on the Nile trekking i saw the most wonderful…….” “When i was last in the Galapogas islands there was a magnificent eclipse….far better than any super moon you saw last night……” The one who has to be the centre of any world that she or he is in at that moment. Sometimes there is more than one of these and that can be fun to just watch the competition or it can just be really noisey.

Then there’s the pampered child. “Oh no one told me what time we were leaving”. “Oh no I haven’t opened my welcome letter yet as i was rather tired when I got in last night”, “Can i go on another bus because I haven’t been able to have my breakfast yet?”

Then and much, much worse, than either of these there is the moaner. Now I have no idea why the moaner should ever want to leave their house, let alone their country. But they do. Then they moan about EVERYTHING. She sits beside me on the wall, where I am waiting for number 10 bus, in the cool shade, with a view over the park and down to the ocean.

“Not very organised are they! They’re late”. “Oh well” I say “it’s only ten past 9 and i am sure they will be here soon”. “We’ll be late all day now. That’s what will happen. All day. They should be more organised”. Save me WH, save me. Don’t make me give up the wall for the moaner. Saved by the bus. Once onboard I let WH know that there is a moaner onboard and discretely point her out. He knows the plan we have been here before, avoid, avoid, avoid.

We reach our destination – (remember this is not about the destination so nothing to say here) – and keep our distance. I hear her through the whistle noise, still complaining this time about having to remove her shoes. Complaining that no one told her she had to have a head scarf to enter the mosque. I mean do your homework lady or don’t go in. The mosque we are at will actually provide a disposable one for free but she is still not grateful.

We are on a boat for lunch and our group is last. I am heading up the gangway when she gets me from behind. “I told you, late all day, our driver is just too timid that’s the problem”. Beam me up or better yet double back and ditch. WH knows the plan and we stall so I can take a photo (yeah right) then enter the restaurant area where most of the tables are full and with tables of 8 we plonk ourselves next to four others as they went in first they must be seated. Then we see them. Walking towards us. How can it be. NOOOOOOOOOOOO please no there are other spaces for two, many others but its too late.

Lunch was a selection of Turkish dishes all of which were yummy but she screwed her nose up at every one. Was rude to the waiter because heaven forbid his English wasn’t brilliant but it was sure better than her Turkish. They didn’t have Coke only Pepsi. The list went on until sad to say we missed the spiced, fried pumpkin and ice cream for dessert because I could stand it no longer and had to go and take more photos outside. And you guessed it 10 minutes later . NOooooooooooooooooooooo.

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