
I know some things about myself and one is that I am competitive. Not in the sense that I need to win all the time but in the sense that I will definitely try to win no matter what the quest.

Pool is the quest. I am not great but I like to think I am not useless. The problem is that WH is good. So in order to keep the competitiveness streak in the right zone I set my own goals

  1. Try to improve your game.
  2. Try to read the angles.
  3. Try not to lose by too greater a margin.
  4. Super duper goal of unimaginable proportion WIN ONE GAME. ( not by him losing but by me winning)

It always starts with such good intentions. One nil, two nil, three nil. I commend myself on the odd good shot thinking I have my eye in and then blow the next one. Four nil, five nil. I dont want to play, it’s hot I need a swim.

And then. I am cool, I am rested, I am in control. I can do it. Let’s go again. Meanwhile it is important to know that WH has his own goals. First is to sink three in a row, then four and then skighty pants five in a row. He has goals like holding me out so I don’t sink a ball. I KNOW RIGHT. I only learn this when I still have 7 on the table and he only has two and I finally sink a ball and he says it out loud. “Bugger I was trying to sink them all and keep you to seven on the table.” RUDE.

He tries to teach me. “Just cut it fine here:Just think about where the white will go: If you hit it here the white will come to here and you are set for your next shot: just short and sharp down low”. I start by listening and I know he is genuine in his support and believe me I try hard but then I just want the ball to go in the pocket, I don’t care where the white goes, or where the next shot is, and I will give you a short, sharp and low. I don’t want to play, its hot, I need a swim.

And then. I am cool. I am rested. I think I am getting better despite my continual losses. May the force be with me. Let’s go again. I get to where i finally sink three in a row. A new record to be proud of but it’s the only three I sink in the entire game and I deflate quickly. Continually losing creates a duplicity in the brain. The one where as he makes the masterful shot off the cushion, into the centre pocket and the ball sits ready and waiting to make the next shot and you say out loud “great shot” because it was, there is another voice echoing from somewhere in there saying FFS. The same one where when is on his 5 in a row goal you say, “oh is this five, good luck” and he says “don’t say that it whoodooos me”. “Really I would never of guessed”, but secretly its worked the last four times I’ve said it so I say it again.

I do win occasionally. When WH sinks the black by error, or sinks the white at the same time as the black. Hollow victories. Twice in four days, in I don’t know how many games we are both on the black. Once and only once it’s mine for taking. I blow it. I never want to play again.


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