
We go to Ruoms. Don’t know why. Actually I do. I found this amazing villa online. It was in a cute village. It had a swimming pool. It had a pool table. It had a BBQ. It had long outdoor lounges. Say no more.

Actually truth be told we have been here three sleeps already and are on our last one before we depart again. Yesterdays blog was really a few days ago and I just added the end and posted it last night. This place is lovely.

We arrive and it is all that we expected. We are met by the owners and there three kids who are about to depart back to somewhere 4 hours away on the borders with Sweden. We get a quick handover and they depart. The villa is over looking the river. It’s three floors, although we only have the bottom floor (thank goodness). which has a big kitchen, huge ensuite, lounge and dining room to seat 12.

We had stopped at the grocery store on the way here as its Sunday and most shut at midday, this proved to be a good choice as it meant we need not go anywhere, and we did not. We cook sausages on the BBQ, for dinner, eat Jambon and baguette for lunch. Walk to the shops and restock with baguette and Jambon, raspberry tart for dessert and meat and salad for dinner. We swim. We read. We walk to the village. We play pool. We swim. We read. We walk to the village. We play pool. (More about that later)

There is a market in a town about 7 kilometres away so we think we will go there for our daily supplies, instead of into the village. We arrive and there is no market. But at least we have ventured out. The village unfolds itself to us as we turn a corner, go under an arc, along a path.

We decide to walk to the lookout above and it’s pretty walking through the bush. It’s different than our bush but its canopy is cool and green, just like ours. Same – Different. The birdsong is loud and I notice how different that is too is to ours. I have no idea of the birds that are singing but the feeling it brings is the same. The simple pleasure of the walk with the river in the background swirling, the coolness of the green and the birdsong and THEN, what’s that. It sounds like a giant angry mosquito. It’s a drone. I so wish I had a can of fly spray or a big cricket bat that could leap into the air and swat it from existence. I need to retreat to my villa and swim, and read, and walk to the village and play pool.

Pretty unfolding village with lovely bush walk – Lebeaunne

See below and say no more. Time stands still here. WH says it’s like being at the house at the beach and staring out the window. The minutes, hours, days go quickly and before you know it the day is done.

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