
The weather gods are no longer smiling on us, the temperature has dropped significantly and the rain has begun. Being a tourist in the rain in a busy city is not ideal. If you aren’t getting run over by a cyclist you are getting poked in the eye by a short persons umbrella. We bought a two day transport pass but I lost mine on the 1st tram ride so had to buy another. Now I have to put up with WH saying “have you got your tram pass” every two minutes. YES I HAVE.

Morning reflections

Got a good shot of the reflection this morning on the canal outside of our hotel when we in search of coffee. Searching for a coffee shop here takes on a whole new meaning as all the ones on our corner would get me stoned if I just stood outside on the pavement. WE find a great little place that does a flat white and an avocado smash toast. Excellent.

We decide to do a canal cruise as the boat has a glass roof and it’s dry. It’s a nice way to tour the sites and not very busy at all, with only about a dozen people on the boat. We get off and then get on the tram and ride number 2 to the end and then back again. The rain is really heavy now and we have wet shoes, wet arms and wet legs. WH only has one pair of jeans so I offer to take him shopping for another but he declines safe in knowledge that he feels he will get 4 days and two rugby games out of them easy. The hotel has a heated towel rail for the purpose of drying them he declares. We will see.

Canal cruise – bridge on bridge, on bridge, on bridge, on bridge, on bridge

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