Fast forward – Recap

We leave Portugal and head to Nice where I have booked a Airbnb for 6 nights in a little place on the Cote d Azure called Théoule-sur-Mer Sur Mer. It’s real pretty but I am not so haven’t got much to say really. WH read a whole book and then a bit of another one so that was good. When the sun arrived for a couple of days he swam in the pool and lay in the sun.

On one day we headed to Grasse, perfume capital of the world. Walking through the perfumerie I could not smell a thing so it was no time to invest in a create your own masterpiece as my would have been a bit bit stink (get it). The town was celebrating the pink rose and I wished Mum could have seen it. As I tell her that whenever I see pink roses I think of her so this really was Mothers Day.

We sat in the square under the pink umbrellas and next to the rose fountain and had some lunch and watched the world go by.

Photo dump as the street photos are more memorable than my recollection.

I need to wind this part of the journey up as we have so moved on from here but I can’t go without saying about Cannes.

It turns out it’s Cannes film festival and the day before we leave we train into Cannes and wander around. This is a day I could most easily people watch. I ditched my 10 year old gucci sunglasses least someone mistake me for someone important and plus it was raining a lot. We caught one of those little tourist trains as walking was still not my strongpoint and it’s another good place to watch the world go by. There were crowds gathered outside hotels waiting for glimpses of somebody they deemed special. There were slinky gowns in daylight, mixed with crocheted shorts and sparkly jumpsuits. The paparazzi stands were empty in anticipation of the evenings events and when we left the next day the airport had way more private jets than aeroplanes. WH and I were just glad no one recognised us as we enjoyed our wandering and super duper train ride:-)

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