St Malo

We had been here once before on a stop with a cruise and it was a place we declared we must return to. We left Arradon and took in a couple of pretty French villages to break up the day. There names now escape me but it’s always really nice to wander through the streets. We are missing kiwi coffee really badly and for some reason raspberry tarts seem to be in short supply in this neck of the woods. There are Bretton cakes everywhere but we really not a fan. We do however have a lovely coffee with milk ( coffee in a cup and then a jug of hot milk), this we have worked out is the best substitute and Pomme tarts aren’t too bad either.

We arrive in St Malo early evening and as you are aware I have completely “let it go” in regard to our accomodation so we shall only speak of the gas’s half full. The tides were what impressed me most when here last and they do not disappoint again. We wander the promenade and watch and a storm brews behind us and begins to float over the top, sandwiching the sunset between storm cloud and ocean. It’s quite spectacular.

We wake and get our morning exercise with a circumnavigation of the ramparts and walls that surround the old town. The rain once again threatens and we pack up to head to Dinan.

It’s a steep walk down to the river and we break the up hill climb back by having galletes and vin. Galletes are like crepe but more sort of whole meal and savoury. I had a zucchini and tomato one and it was delicious .

There is actually a lot more to say but I am sleepy tired so shall shut down for the day and hope the photos say more than the words.

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