Day 29(and 27 and 28) In the neighbourhood

23rd April, day 29 lockdown. Diary – time to depart Amalfi Coast and head back to London, catch up with Whanau, visit some castles and then J and T fly home. Bet they don’t have sunsets like this in London or even Amalfi.


The sunset on Day 28 was incredible. It was like a long, glowing comforter that stretched from the South to the North in an endless show of colour. It was low and heavy and just kept deepening in the sky. People flocked to the beach to watch it (2 metres apart of course). It was special and I was glad I grabbed the camera to capture the moment.

This travel blog has always had that purpose: designed to not only keep in touch and share with family and friends whilst I am away but also to capture the moment, remember the mood and reignite the memories in times to come. My printed out blog books sit by my coffee chair and I pick them up often, picture the moment, read the commentary and stroll down memory lane remembering how wonderful the world is and how lucky I have been to see it.

Captured moments have held my attention in the last few days as I have been searching for just one moment from my youth for a FB thing that is going round and do you think I can find one? The answer is no. I can find lots of captured moments featuring others but none of me. Time flies when you look backwards and its easy to forget that the moment was further away than you thought, in a time and space where the internet was not yet a thing, let alone a phone that you could walk around with and take a picture whenever you chose. The reality was that even if you managed to sneak off with your parents camera, developing film was expensive and selling glass bottles and delivering pamphlets only went so far. Then of course there is the fact that the selfie is a very new thing and it still seems incredibly foreign to turn a camera inwards and point it at yourself.

So no photo but nevertheless trolling through hundreds of photos trying to find a one is the most time consuming thing you can do. A search for a moment of time captured brings up minutes and hours and days of memories that have etched themselves into our heart and minds. They bring such a sense of nostalgia, melancholy, laughter, love and joy which can keep us engrossed for hours. I wonder how new generations will manage the storing and protecting of these precious moments and can only hope they do better than I have. At least they will never have to spend hours trying to find a photo of themselves in their youth they will only have to worry about picking the right one from the 100’s at their disposal.

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I am going to finish as I started with the brilliance of this sunset that I am going to consign to my blog book so I can eventually print it out and get to relive the moment at another time and plead that you at least view it on your tablet or PC and not just your phone so that you too can share in the brilliance of Mother Nature.

On a side note I am also pleased to report that today I got a phone call from a enthusiastic blog reader with a hot tip for some street art that I have missed so I am excited to get out tomorrow and capture some more brilliance when I thought I had seen it all. Silly Me.

looking back it stretches forward and wraps the coast
The end

In the Neighbourhood

Lockdown day 26. April 20th Diary – A trip to Pompeii as expressly requested by the grandchild. A small group tour expressly designed for children aged 10 – 15 (and of course their grandparents).

Grateful, grateful, grateful. It’s not hard with what’s here in the neighbourhood. At the moment there is an ad for Auckland that’s gone viral and its titled Stop, Listen, Papatuanuku, the earth mother is breathing. If you haven’t seen it then check it out as that is what it feels like. It feels like something bigger than us. It feels like it standing at the bottom of Mauao and listening to the Tui. It feels like it standing under a majestic Pohutakawa. If feels like it when the Kingfisher pays a visit and it feels like it when the sky is painted again and again in a one of a kind masterpiece. Nature just keeps on giving.

The sun rises and sets and on any given day its great to bear witness. So today in amongst the neighbourhood travels is the discovery of old and new. One of the things that every kiwi let alone every “Maunganuiia” should visit is the tree of life. Its one of the oldest rakau tapu (sacred wood) in New Zealand thought to be around 500 years old, and unlike the photos of the rising sun you can’t really feel its awesomeness until you are standing underneath it. Its like Tane Mahuta, it has a power all of its own. It is truly majestic and a photo will never do it justice because you have to feel it for yourself.

It has its own story (500 years of it) which you can find for yourself but for a real survival story of hope the tree was severely damaged in Cyclone Bola and several branches broke away, the local iwi would not allow the council to trim back the broken branches in a sign of respect for the trees historical and tapu status, then in the mid 1990s the tree split and it was propped up with supports. Now its twisted and entangled boughs lay heavy on the ground in places, then soar above in a canopy that stretches more than 30 metres. Put this one on your list of places to go and quite literally stand underneath it and feel how small our individual place in the universe is.

Next I know its not a vey good photo as its taken through a window with a bit of distance as I didn’t want to scare this little guy (King Fisher – Whaikorero) I haven’t seen him for ages and I felt its presence. Grateful.

The last pic is some great street art which I interpret as a protecting Mother Nature but you can interpret it anyway you choose as the what art is but for me it seemed fitting for todays Blog.

Finally for the sake of history, in years to come when first I and then my grand kids or even great grandkids read my travel blog (which I print out into a book at the end of each year) we can touch base with today which is the day that its announced that in a weeks time we move to level 3. Be kind, wash your hands, stay home (or in your neighbourhood), save lives.

Omanu sun rise
Tree of life
King Fisher – Whaikorero

In the Neighbourhood

Day 23 Lockdown. Diary 17th April – Depart Nice for Rome. It seems very strange that it is literally only 6 weeks ago that we decided that maybe we would put our trip off and go in September/October instead. Irritatingly our Rome hotel has still not given us our money back and is incommunicado. It feels such a gigantic step to even think about when we will venture out into the big wide world again, when we don’t even know when we can drive to visit the grandkids. Certainly my optimism of going in September was misplaced. The world is still a scary place and there is no place like home.

Anyway that’s enough Jibber Jabba as I am excited to share some stuff from people far more clever and entertaining than I. The Tuturiwhatu below is brilliant in its detail. Its called Tuturiwhatu Pukunui (Pukunui means greedy) It was really hard to do it justice through my lens as its so large and the surrounding buildings mean its hard to step back far enough. The Monarch its chasing is beautiful so next time you are in the area check it out. The colours are much brighter than this but I don’t want to keep everything as is and not use any filters so just enjoy.

I couldn’t find a description on this one but the clarity is so good its like a photograph on the wall.
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When you walk passed this one you actually don’t notice the face until you stop and LOOK.
Just have to put this one in as its definitely a sign of the times however I don’t know how many people will ever see it as its down a pedestrian only alleyway in the Main Street where of course there is absolutely nobody. Except me taking pictures of course.

In the Neighbourhood

Day 21.  Diary – 15th April – Catch train to Monaco, its only a 20 minute journey from Ville Franche Sur Mer, so I am told.  My mums been here twice and so has my sister and they have filled my head with pictures and stories of a quaint little village on the outskirts of bustling Nice and Monaco.  Maybe next year.

Day 22.  there’s a bit of a story here as to why day 21 never came to be.  As you read this story I ask you to ponder how many computers, tablets, printers, (you get the gist),  are lying disabled, dumped, discarded, due to corona virus.  A new sort of abuse to go with a new virus.   CCA is born, Corona Computer Abuse, born through frustration of an environment whereby its prevalence in our daily lies has caused stress and anxiety of new levels.  Perhaps it, CCA , was always there, lying dormant, waiting to strike.  

If only they could talk , like some sort of Terminator machine takeover.  If that were so I would now be in captivity pleading with a powerful computer leader that I am indeed a sane, gentle and of course kind person but for my moments of madness when I just couldn’t get the bloody thing to work.   Or I could plead self defence by way of its complete defiance and utter refusal to see any reason or show any concern for my declining mental state, was indeed pure psychological abuse, in other words it made me do it.    For me lost car keys, or perhaps a missing shoe are high on the list of things that can insight a response that is perhaps not in keeping with the event but in terms of anger management issues nothing can compare to when technology doesn’t do what’s it supposed to (REPEATEDLY) its manic.

It all started as a relatively normal lock down day when sometime in the afternoon I sat down to start my day 21 blog and just as I had begun the lawyer sent a document, 27 pages long, with simple instructions: just print, then initial each page, sign on the dotted line and scan back.  Easy Peasy you may well think, I however did tackle this task with little enthusiasm, as with a very basic home printer /scanner I was already forewarned that the task would be tedious and time consuming, with little satisfaction of job well done at the end.  However needs must and I begin.   Print.  Page 10, run out of ink.  Pink bloody ink.  Who cares its black and white?  Fill pink ink with yellow to try and trick it. Reset. Nope it bloody knows and only pink ink will do. Breathe put empty pink back.  Reset.  Grey scale.  Breathe.  Page 18 printer jams, instruction: clear jam and press ok.  30 mins later, step away from the machine.  Walk around the house. Breathe.  Printer jam cleared, printer slightly scarred due to violent nature of clearing jam.  I gloat in smugness at having won paper clearing round and complete printing.   Now scan back, one page at a time, page 19 (AGAIN) internet drops out.  Printer payback, “Signal lost please start again”.  I repeat step away from the machine.  Breathe.  Start again.  One page at a time.  

 Yes I am grateful.  Grateful.  Grateful. Yes I am kind.  My cup overfloweth, but Jesus wept I seriously gave that inanimate object a life of it own.

But wait there’s more.  Having finally got the said document back to the lawyer I thought I would change the tone of where my day had headed and finish my blog.  Day 21. I had only just started it when I left it on hold for the printing / scanning task but in some sort of weird camaraderie with its tech mate, it too isn’t going to play ball and it refuses to let me in.  Take That.  It wins. I give up.

A Covid life is so much more dependant on technology due to our lack of physical contact with the outside world. Our work, our meetings, our socialising is all condensed to these little screens and whilst it enables us to connect, let’s just say nicely (in case it hears us) that it can and does have its issues.   Yes some are user error for example the first Zoom “happy hour” for a dozen, 50 plus year old woman (which is really only 40 minutes due to the nature of Zoom), it takes us 30 mins just to all log in and work out how to turn the camera and sound on.  We have done it once a week, so three times now and there are still two people who haven’t yet mastered the art of clicking on the link.  (you know who you are).  So yes there is user error yet in my defence I feel STRONGLY that sometimes they are just not kind and that is not ok.  So let’s just move on. I have sought professional help (with technology not insaneness) and am just going to skip Day 21 and simply start again.

Day 22.  In my diary I am still in Ville Franche Sur Mer doing something not technical like buying bread, sun-dried olives, salami and cheese at a market and here in real life I am being kind and grateful and posting wonderful Mauao street art which to me represents, a little bit out of reality, just like when you get beaten by your computer.

And in the prophetic words of Japanese paramedics (see Japan blog – I am not a brave blossom).  “you calm down lady, OK”.

Giant frogs climbing
Take it easy

In the Neighbourhood

It’s day 20.  Today I know this.  Diary – 14th April  – catch the bullet train to Ville Franche Sur Mer.  Today here in Covid universe I am paying attention to the date and counting down, or in this case counting up.   I am however not sure what I am counting up too, as it’s all a bit maybe.  Maybe an alert level 3? Maybe a visit from the grand kids?  Maybe a hug for Mum?  Maybe a takeaway green curry?  I am not a very maybe person. I like order and efficiency and decisiveness, all this maybeing is more than a little disconcerting.  But like most things at the moment being “disconcerted” is but a very, very minor irritation in the big Covid scheme of life.  So stay home, save lives, and count up towards something that promises to be just a little less maybe than this.

In terms of exploring the neighbourhood today then the main focus has to be on animals: bears, doves and turtles all found in my 6 km bubble.  I do wonder how many times I have driven , walked and biked past the dove house in the Main Street and never actually noticed it.    Who knew?   My favourite today though has to be the sleeping lady or maybe she is just lying down, counting and dreaming of all sorts of maybe’s.



Dove house

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Turtle street art





In the Neighbourhood

Day 19.  I think.  My diary beeps that today in the pre Covid universe we are going to the “Louvre Museum” it even gives me the address:  Rue de Rivolli, 75001, Paris.  Who knew.  Then we are off on a river cruise with Bateaux Parisians.   It’s easy here today to feel humbug.  The weather is iffy and the wind is restless.  The rain sneaks up from behind and then gallops past by the time you have sought shelter.   I hop on my bike and go in a different direction to change the scene but its empty.


We bike hard against the wind, get wet, go home.  The afternoon doesn’t beckon any brighter and I am tempted to leave the camera at home in a same Sh#t, different day attitude.  Except that it was not the same shot, it was an ever-changing light and mood display that’s fun to photograph.  I wonder if I would have even noticed had I not taken the time to look.  I have previous that sometimes things are just hiding in plain sight and we just need to look at little harder.  All these were taken exactly as they are, no filters, no flashes, no black and white, no added colour,  just point and shoot in an hours walk along the beach.

Same Shot different day.   Awesome.

blue gives way to grey


blue sky mirrored

two empty seats under the tree – two metres apart
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same shot different day


always a promise




In the Neighbourhood



Let’s say it one more time “there is no place like home” and last nights sunset was yet another reminder.  Not much to say today except that I got some great “in the neighbourhood” shots and restored the soul.

Omanu Dairy

What could be more quintessential kiwi than the corner dairy?  Their humble presence dotted all over our landscapes throughout the length and breadth of our country, same but different.  The signs however are part of our new Covid life.   They are sellotaped to each side of door, hurriedly put together, printed on to A4 and are typical of the moment-“one in – one out”, “only touch what you buy”, “reduced business hours” but it beats the alternatives on the rest – “closed until further notice” in many different genres.


The seagulls seem to take flight much later than normal.  Maybe it’s the lack of the white  noise that normally accompanies our busy moving pre lock down life or maybe they have always been like that and I haven’t noticed.

But yet again its the street art that truly shines as tucked down the back of Main Street in a service lane is this.  It literally just pulls itself off the wall to greet you.  I am in awe of the talent.   #Mauao Street Art.
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In the Neighbourhood

Today my diary says we land in Paris and check into our City hotel, walking distance to the Eiffel Tower, the great Paris landmark.  I wonder if Parisians feel the same about her towering presence as I feel about Mauao.  The comfort and solidity of a large, forever present, presence.

Today I biked through our industrial neighbourhood.  I approached the first main roundabout with the gleefulness of a child let loose down a hill on a tricycle.  I wanted to ride through it hard and fast, then take my feet of the pedals and just drift with my feet in the air.  I have never before crossed this roundabout on my bike as it always seems to busy, to aggressive, to daunting, yet here it is abandoned but for the odd rumble of a truck on the overpass or a car going about its business (essential of course).


I know that I said this is my travel blog and instead of writing about our time in Europe I was going to write about how lucky I am to be here, in this space, as there is truly no place like home.  I know I said its about being grateful and making the most of whatever this is, discovering and celebrating the neighbourhood but my gleeful excitement is soon abandoned as I bike down Newton Street.  Its desertion is confronting as in fact was the whole mornings ride.


Its hard not to feel for the businesses or more so the people within them and wonder how many will return.   We are lucky as we get to keep going in a new kind of normal and whilst the offices lay dormant the wheels keep turning, whereas site after site lays empty, alone and abandoned.



The Covid sign for the day has to be “online” as even the church reaches out in this contactless bubble society.  Online is how we meet and greet as families and friends and businesses and govt connect through the mystery of the internet and things like ZOOM become part of the everyday language.
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I can’t wait for tomorrow so I can return to seek the alleys and lanes and find the art and the water and feed the soul and forget, or at least not dwell, on the emptiness of today.

Lock down,  it is what it is,  so we stay in our bubbles and obey they signs and remind ourselves constantly that this too will pass.



and its a time to seek out the beauty in the ordinary.



Day 16 – Depart Singapore vs In the Neighbourhood

Today my diary beeps at me to remind me that in a pre Covid universe I am about to depart Singapore, instead I wonder how many of you are having trouble sleeping.  Or maybe how many of you are having trouble staying awake.  It’s all about timing or perhaps its chicken and egg.    If you fall asleep on the couch at 8.30, no matter how hard you try to stay awake then you are gunna wake up at 4.00am and not be able to go back to sleep.  If you get up at 4am then you are going to fall asleep at 8.30pm on the couch.  In looking for the grateful then I guess its that I get to witness the most amazing sunrises before it gets light enough to jump on the bike.


I Took  pictures of signs on this mornings outing as one day when I look back and read  this Blook I will remember the “signs” of Covid.  It’s become a world of reminders of what not to do.  There are signs upon signs upon signs.  2 metres distance, don’t go in the water, wash your hands.  Be Kind.


It’s Good Friday today and instead of bear hunts the kids are set to do Easter egg hunts by looking for pictures of Eggs in windows.  I know kids it’s not the same but maybe next year.  Be Kind.

Its Good Friday

The empty streets mean that it’s not only photography that is easy but also biking, or walking, or meandering.  Mauoa strength is always towering and reaches out from every vantage and reminds me I am exactly where I should be.  Receding to the left you can see the fading super moon as another night ends and day beings.  Chicken and Egg.How does Fildena act? After oral administration, viagra sales in india the drug targets and nullifies the function of phosphodiesterase type five (PDE5). Following a check sildenafil viagra generico thorough examination, a course of Vitamin E therapy. The persons who live in a world where the people around cheap viagra him or her. Penis Pumps are an instrument to scuttle and eradicate erectile dysfunction and for enlarging the prostate. uk cialis sales


And then of course there is the street art.  Take a look at the power of this.  Kia Kaha.

Mauao Street Art



Day 15 – In the neighbourhood


The morning is crisp and the overnight rain makes things sharp and clear.  It is still disconcerting to be in these spaces, taking these pictures, and the only moving parts are seagulls in the frame.  They appear to have also got used to a new norm.  Less people, less cars, less noise.  They are slow to take flight and quick to settle again.

Pilot Bay 

I have always loved these trees outside the Social Club and here they are warding off the Autumn chill at the normally busy roundabout.

Warm Trees

But my most favourite of all is discovering the street art hidden in plain sight of a busy moving world and lying await down the lanes and the alleys.  I remember my thrill in Belfast (find the post its in here somewhere) where the street art would unveil itself around every corner.  My patience, and more to the point WH patience was sorely tested waiting until the pedestrian or vehicle or bike had moved away so I could get a shot and yet here it is, all right here in my neighbourhood and its awesome.
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Mc Donald’s

I have caught glimpses of them previously as I have biked and walked the landscape and made notes to myself to take the time to explore.  They are everywhere and they are brilliant, from Mc Donalds to Ministry of Enterprises and I can’t wait to share more.

Ministry of Primary Enterprises



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