Testing, Testing, testing. Charging up the ipad, resurrecting the travel blog, cleaning the camera lens, making sure all systems are go. Testing testing testing
Check, check, check. Passports. Check. Japan plug. Check. Is passport your own? Check. Check. (Will never live that one down). Got some Yen. Check. Passport x2 Triple check.
Japan, rugby World Cup 2019 has been in the pipeline for quite literally years. Airfares were booked as soon as they came available. Japan has been researched and googled to a point whereby the ads on my PC are starting to be in Japanese. Over the course of the past year enthusiasm has waxed and waned, as my typical holiday planning is designed to get away from the crowds rather than seek them out and if there is one thing Japan has it’s a lot of people.
Organising a trip for not just WH and I, but for the four adult children as well, has created certain challenges as well as extra excitement. Booking flights, finding accommodation, getting rugby tickets, travelling around, is definitely more involved with 6 of us – Yet here we are three days out and counting down.

Have been checking the weather and it all looked ideal, low to mid 20’s perfect. Until today that is, as today it said, ” Saturday -Typhoon in the afternoon”. So that will be a new experience “typhoon in the afternoon” has a real ring to it. No doubt it will be over on Sunday when we land and if not then there is not much we can do about it so in the spirit of travel mode I begin my “go with flow” mindset.It is also sold cialis professional uk davidfraymusic.com under the name Adcirca for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. cheap viagra levitra When the impact of PDE5 get discontinue, cyclic GMP (cGMP) get progressive due to escalate in the blood towards the male sexual organ. Chiropractic is a discipline of medicine that is non-invasive and does not involve the use of any pharmaceutical drugs or medical order cheap viagra interventions such as surgery. Muscle mass is typed using Equipoise preserved much better in gathering settings and private treatment, particularly when more proper treatments are discount viagra davidfraymusic.com utilized.
So here’s the plan. We dodge the typhoon and land in Tokyo on Sunday – we have 60 minutes to change terminals and make our connection to Osaka. We are based in Osaka for 4 nights where we aim to have a good look around Osaka and Kyoto as well as do a day trip to Hiroshima. We then spend a night at a traditional Ryokan in Kyoto and on Friday bullet train to Tokyo to get ready to watch the two quarter finals which as at today are still a mystery as to who the All Blacks will play. Let’s hope the Japan v Scotland goes ahead, however a Japan v All Blacks game in Tokyo would be pretty great. Anyway I digress – the kids then head home and Pete and I stay for the semi’s and finals and do a tour in between. So join in and I will quite literally keep you posted on our travels and thoughts re: Japan, typhoons, RWC 2019, travelling with kids (Big adult ones that is) and anything else that comes along.
Hopefully I will now push post and this blog will appear on my page and it will be another tick of the testing, testing, testing list.
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