Game day



Exciting times.  We have wandered around in our All Blacks tops.  Gone to the RWC shop to get some Japan gear for tomorrow and An All Blacks  cap.  Nothing left anywhere of the All Blacks or Japan.  Completely sold out.  WH and I got interviewed for Japan tv which very much got lost in translation- we think – but will never know.

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Lots and lots of Irish most with only tickets to the game tomorrow and not today so lots trying to buy tickets.

The Irish are all in good spirits and great fun.  So fingers crossed and off to the game we go.



Love it.  It’s one of those places that unveils something new around each corner and you walk and walk and walk.  Kyoto the pushy personal trainer or maybe it’s the boogie boarding nana “just one more”as it pushes you further and further around yet another turn until you are finally broken.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIts full of lanes of wooden houses like the ones below, and shrines like the one above.

There are restaurants and galleries and all sorts of things

It was almost like Italy where they have a siesta in the afternoon as we finally found a great little dumpling place and they said “no sorry closed”.  So we walked and walked some more.  Finally stumbling into Hard Rock Cafe for a much needed G&T for me and Corona for the others, and of course a burger.

Revived we wander some more and then head back for our Japanese dinner which you already know all about.  We decide to order a cab for 0630 (I say we but I mean me, and ask if anyone else wants to come)  I want to visit the Fushimi Inari shrine and it’s famous torii gates but I want to do it with good light and not hoards of people.  Everyone is keen and although I have my doubts I order two cabs.You can talk to your doctor to figure out what is causing your anxiety. tadalafil professional Physical and mental strength are necessary to gain bigger free viagra prescription and harder erection. Arguably, the levitra prescription famed Amorela is considered to be better than the other. Well, the dosage of online sildenafil tabs 60 mg for sale should be run under doctor s guidance and prescription.


The morning brings rain and I am a little disappointed with the grey light but on the plus side everyone is present and accounted for.  The orange torii gates are amazing despite the low grey mist and rain.  They glow regardless and my assumption that the sun reflected off them to give them light was obviously wrong.   We walk the mountain with only a few other early birds and are grateful to have yet again been able to experience the sites and sounds and culture.

I have put the photons in a different format so I hope you can see them as a slide show.  It’s game day today so am going to cut this short and soak it up, so in short, Kyoto is amazing and ranks one of my favourite cities in the world.  It has its own unique vibe and I only wished for more time.




Love it.  We decided to do a traditional Japanese stay prior to heading to Tokyo and nothing disappointed.   The ryokan “Gion Hatanaka” was traditional from the entrance to the tatami mats,  the sliding doors and kimonos.


I shall have to do more than one post as there was so much to see and do.  This one will be all about the ryokan.  Our meal was to be served in our room so we all put on our house clothes ready for the dinner.

Sitting on the cushion side on the floor with creaking knees and hips was an experience in itself.  We could see why they gave you house clothes which were baggy linen pants with wraparound tops as the were more flexible than us.


The art of the meal was spectacular.  The way it was served and what it was served in.  Each little box or jar or bowl holding something new. I can’t say I was a fan of the food as it was mostly seafood and a lot of mushrooms, neither of which I am a fan of, however the meal was special.  The courses kept coming and coming so even if you ate only a taste it felt plenty.


With dinner finished we decided to go for a wander and see if the lanterns were lit but I will save that for another’s blog and stay with the ryokan.  Whilst we were gone they clear away the dinner and place out the sleeping mats and sleeping kimonos.


They were more comfortable than they look but I would definitely not be swapping my bed for a futon mat anytime soon.

J decided to go check out the onsen and put her togs on to go for a dip but got a bit of a shock to see all the women were naked.  She braved it the next morning and had the whole pool to herself.   The rituals of the showers, ladles, wooden stools, mineral pool, shower, moisturiser is all very calming.    Shame I was off doing the laundry as there was one just down the road.


Above photo is of the bathroom in our room.  It has a little wooden stool and bowl as well, that you can’t see in the photo.  We finished our experience with breakfast this morning where we were expecting some rice porridge as the night before they had said, “rice porridge or mushroom rice?”  We were met with yet another array of all manner of weird and wonderful concoctions.  I ate the egg roll and the grapefruit jelly.
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So all in all a great experience and one that will sit high in the bucket list moments especially as it was shared whanau.  I am indeed a lucky, lucky lady.













We are Osaka transport network pros.  We head of this morning to Kyoto and onto the bamboo forests at Arashiyama.   We take the subway, the Shinkansen then the general rail.  No problemo.

Funny thing is yesterday we went all the way to Miyajima to see the famous floating gate, which was covered up and being restored and today we get to Arashiyama and go to take the “old romantic train” which runs along the river to the top, however it we were met with a sign saying “ holiday today  not operating”. Funny. Funny

So we hire bikes and head off exploring.

The bamboo forests are great but it soon gets too busy to bike and I push mine up the hill whilst the rest park them up.

Bamboo Forest

After a long walk back to get the others bike we move off the tourist track and find a great little cafe for lunch.
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Back on the bikes and we tuck in behind a cab and bike down the ridiculously busy Main Street to the famous Togetsukyo bridge originally built in the 800’s. We pose for a photo, watch the world go by and then head back to the train station.

People watching
Mat-ell whanau
Togetsukyo bridge

To make commuter life even more interesting, on the way home we decide to split up and do the amazing race back to the hotel lobby on the various train networks.  D,D and G in one team and P,J and S in the other.   All I can say is that we lost, however the Snapchat did show G in a car emoji whilst J was definitely on a train. Say no more.


A big day.  An even bigger one for the young ones who found themselves at a karaoke bar in the wee small hours belting out VALERRIIIEEEE, with all the energy and confidence that can only be had in a tiny room, with no audience, and a certain amount of alcohol.

The 0700 roll call was met by all and I reminded myself “ ye have little faith”.  WE make our way through the subway and onto the bullet train and speed at around 290 mph to Hiroshima.


Hiroshima peace park and memorial were our first ports of call.  There is much to say about them, yet no words to describe.   The tributes/memorials  are poignant, and moving, and confronting.  Yet still the words which as ANZACS we have instilled in us,  “Lest we forget” are just as relevant.


The memorial to the victims is wrenching, in particular its memoirs of the high school students who were killed in there hundreds.

The origani cranes.  There are so many stories that tell of horror, and pain, and hope,  and resilience and most of all the unequivocal necessity for PEACE.
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Let’s move on…. to lunch.  We headed out to visit the famous Miyagama tori gate.  Bus, train, ferry and all that that entails.  On the way we stop for lunch.  There is six of us so it’s always yeahhh nahhhh, yeah nah.  So someone decided to just walk in and yummy.  Great people, great food, great time.

I am too tired to keep writing now so let’s just saying we did eventually get to the Famous floating Tori gate but it was all covered up under renovation.   Oh well maybe next time.


Getting there – to Osaka

The day was long and much could be written about the journey to Osaka.  We could start with processing being called to halt at Auckland airport and finish with landing in Tokyo some 14 hours later with  our flight to Osaka having been cancelled.. so a bus ride, then a plane ride then a train ride later we arrived at our hotel.  This we were so very  grateful for as it had been a VERY VERY long day.

There was no sign of the typhoon which had held this part of the country to ransom the day before, the sun was showing its face and the wind was but a whisper.  We were grateful for this as well.  But most of all in the egocentric mentality that comes with fatigue I was most grateful for my bed.

We had seen at the airport when we landed at Osaka that Japan had beaten Scotland so the quarter finals will provide great entertainment in a weeks time.  Meanwhile we woke to a cloudy day and head out to navigate our way through subways and metros and feet to buy rail passes and then head to Osaka castle.  This sounds easy but was no mean feat.


We met quite a few kiwis on the way and with the two degrees it’s amazing how someone always knows someone from OTOROHANGA.

The castle and it’s grounds entertained us and we wandered at leisure through the grounds and its surrounds.  Queued for the famous Osaka octopus balls delicacy but can’t say that any of us found it appealing.It helps to increase the thickness and length of the penis, which adds to the pleasure of their partner rather than shop cialis their own Men love pleasing their spouse or ladylove more during sex. buy cialis Indulging in happy intimate moment is no more a matter to think is the side effects of these pills. It enlarges when the veins collect blood but when the frequency of ED goes higher, it can be viewed to be a serious generico viagra on line medical problem. That pfizer viagra cheap however is not the case with younger men.



They were having a “Bojutsu” competition in the big hall.  (We had to google what it was called as we are not that clever).  It was entertaining to watch and involved lots of yelling and fake foot stamping and whacking with sticks.  Three strikes and you are out.


The most around Osaka castle grounds.

Counting down to Japan

Testing, Testing, testing.  Charging up the ipad, resurrecting the travel blog, cleaning the camera lens, making sure all systems are go.  Testing testing testing

Check, check, check.  Passports. Check.  Japan plug. Check.  Is passport your own? Check. Check. (Will never live that one down).   Got some Yen. Check.  Passport x2 Triple check.

Japan, rugby World Cup 2019 has been in the pipeline for quite literally years.  Airfares were booked as soon as they came available.  Japan has been researched and googled to a point whereby the ads on my PC are starting to be in Japanese.  Over the course of the past year enthusiasm has waxed and waned, as my typical holiday planning is designed to get away from the crowds rather than seek them out and if there is one thing Japan has it’s a lot of people.

Organising a trip for not just WH and I, but for the four adult children as well,  has created certain challenges as well as extra excitement.  Booking flights, finding accommodation, getting rugby tickets, travelling around, is definitely more involved with 6 of us –  Yet  here we are three days out and counting down.

Japan RWC 2019

Have been checking the weather and it all looked ideal,  low to mid 20’s perfect.  Until today that is, as today it said, ” Saturday -Typhoon in the afternoon”.  So that will be a new experience “typhoon in the afternoon” has a real ring to it.   No doubt it will be over on Sunday when we land and if not then there is not much we can do about it so in the spirit of travel mode I begin my “go with flow”  mindset.It is also sold cialis professional uk under the name Adcirca for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension. cheap viagra levitra When the impact of PDE5 get discontinue, cyclic GMP (cGMP) get progressive due to escalate in the blood towards the male sexual organ. Chiropractic is a discipline of medicine that is non-invasive and does not involve the use of any pharmaceutical drugs or medical order cheap viagra interventions such as surgery. Muscle mass is typed using Equipoise preserved much better in gathering settings and private treatment, particularly when more proper treatments are discount viagra utilized.

So here’s the plan.  We dodge the typhoon and  land in Tokyo on Sunday – we have 60 minutes to change terminals and make our connection to Osaka.   We are based in Osaka for 4 nights where we aim to have a good look around Osaka and Kyoto as well as do a day trip to Hiroshima.  We then spend a night at a traditional Ryokan in Kyoto and on Friday bullet train to Tokyo to get ready to watch the two quarter finals which as at today are still a mystery as to who the All Blacks will play.  Let’s hope the Japan v Scotland goes ahead, however a Japan v All Blacks game in Tokyo would be pretty great.  Anyway I digress – the kids then head home and Pete and I stay for the semi’s and finals and do a tour in between.  So join in and I will quite literally keep you posted on our travels and thoughts re: Japan, typhoons, RWC 2019, travelling with kids (Big adult ones that is) and anything else that comes along.

Hopefully I will now push post and this blog will appear on my page and it will be another tick of the testing, testing, testing list.



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