II Frantonio di Vicopisano – Thursday 10th

Today we went to an olive farm, which also grows kiwi fruit and makes wine and honey.  It is all organic and the whole day was a lot of fun.

Marco showed us around the farm including the olive press and how they produce the oil.  The old press, which was run by a water wheel was centuries old, just like some of the olive trees.    We learnt lots about acidity and also which ones have the “good for you” bits in.

We then did a Tuscan cooking class with Olympia.  I havnt yet got the recipes as she was emailing them so cant remember the exact names but it went like this

bread, tomato, salad thing,

then pasta which we made from scratch, with sage butter and nutmeg sauce.

then hunters chicken

then tiramisu

They say a picture paints a 1000 words but really these pics only paint 500, as it was all far tastier than these pictures could paint.    Olympia our chef was brilliant and the day took over 5 hours but was really special.
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BFF s favourite dessert is Tiramisu but I never saw nor tasted what the attraction was, I now understand.  So yet again no dinner required.  Our local host asked  which restaurants we had tried and we had to reply that we haven’t yet had dinner, as it’s pretty much not required.

Looking forward to what tomorrow brings.

Thinking of you all.  Thanks for your emails it’s nice to hear from home.  That’s a hint to those of you who are slackers….you know who you are.

did you know?

outside of NZ, Italy is the second biggest producer of kiwi fruit.

that if you can’t digest garlic take out the soul of garlic. The little green bit in the centre.  Or leave the skin on and crush it with a knife, then when the dish is cooked take it out.  You get all the flavour but no digestion issues.

Olive trees live for centuries

always leave the pips in olives when you add them to a dish.  Olympus horrified to see on Australia master chef that they made hunters chicken and removed the pips.

And finally just FYI the plates are breakfast/ side plate side not nz dinner size.



Vicopisano – 9th May

Sculpture of the day I will call “give us a hug”.

Giveus a hug

Today we went to Lucca.  A walled Medieval city.

We walked. We wandered. We got lost in a good way.

We hired bikes and rode around the perimeter wall.

We ate lunch in a courtyard surrounded by lemon trees, esplayed on the walls.

We ate ravioli with walnut, porcini, and something else.  We ate spaghetti with tomato and some prosciutto type meat and something else.  It was something else, in a good way.

Lucca had lots of piazzas which were filled with pretty flowers that was the dressing on the drab.

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Lots of locals going about there business just doing what they do.

We came home. Wh with nerves of steel driving on the right side of the road.  Skinny, skinny roads with walls, and trees and parked cars and quick pullover truck coming.  I close my eyes and hit the imaginary passenger brake.  My side mirror only hit a tree once, lucky its Flexi.

There is a butcher shop in our village that is sort of like a deli.  He does pre prepared sort of meals amongst a whole lot of other things that butchers have.  You can even ask for a slice of focaccia or bread and he will cut it of the loaf.  Today we got a dish of zucchini stuff and a meatball thing, plus a bottle of red wine with no label on it.   His English is about as good as our Italian so there is no way of actually finding out exactly what is in them.  Came home heated  them up and they were delicious.

I really like this sculpturer, Jimenez Deredia, so had to have two sculptures of the day. This one can be called “bendy”.


good night.

Bologna – it is what it is

Travel day today but first let’s be done with Bologna.

No dinner was required last night but we went out wandering and explored the city, with the eventual destination being the recommended ice cream store.

Bologna is brown, I know I have mentioned that before but it really struck me.  The architecture is monstrous, it never fits into a shot or even an eyeful.  You have to deconstruct it.  You have to say look at the arch, look at the balustrade, look at the balcony, look at its brick work, look at is carvings, just keep looking otherwise it presents simply as big and brown.


There is no vantage point in Bologna to take it all in.  There is no hill, or green park or in many instances a big enough piazza to step back from it all, hence it feels claustrophobic and at first I could not help but yearn for an escape.  You have to sort of immerse yourself in it and let it unveil itself to you.

It’s decrepit and disintegrating features become quirky in themselves.  There is no pretence here.  There are amazing colossal, centuries old buildings and literally leaning brick towers in piazzas which are all worthy of comment.   But perhaps what becomes even more interesting is the 14th century building which stands there in a state and somehow says – at one stage in my history I was a church, then a pizza shop but now I just wait for another purpose.  It’s like the food last night – it is what it is.

It is what it is

So travel day didn’t disappoint with a walk along cobbled paths to the taxi rank only to be told by at least 6 taxi drivers all lined up with there vehicles telling  us they were on strike today. So on a bus, eventually and to the train station. On a train that left late and arrived in Florence with what was supposed to be plenty of time to get to our bus but was now a mission. Get to Pisa and as turning into airport where we were to pick up our rental car, the police stop us and send us away.  We have to go back and get dropped off at the new shuttle service and then buy a ticket and come back on the official shuttle train.  Lots of angry Italian with gestures and the odd recognisable expletive we get of the express airport bus and buy a ticket to get on a shuttle train.  Was actually way easier to not speak the language and just literally go with the flow, it did help that unlike the other angry punters we weren’t catching a flight. So with appropriate Tom Tom in place we headed to our base for the next five days.  This is me.

Terrace of cottage

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a quick visit to the village. A bottle of wine, some cheese, olives and other essential supplies, a sunny back deck with a view over the hills one way and the tower the other.

View from the terrace






May 8th – Bologna Italy

Bologna was an accidental stop really.  It was the only Italian airport accessed from Prague, with the exception of Rome and we didn’t want to go there.  We are camped for a couple of nights in a little studio apartment in a big brown block, just like all the other big brown blocks around us.  You forget how dark and brown Italy is especially after coming from the colour and light of Prague.

Decided that all men in Italy, or at least in Bologna have a beard and moustache, not a big one,  just that the havnt shaved for a week or so look.  Wh says they probably just didn’t shave yesterday.  I swear it is like 90% of them look like that, I noticed it at the airport and I am still noticing it.

Last night we ventured out for food and got lost, not in the good getting lost exploring and finding new things way, but in the my feet hurt, I’m hungry, I’m thirsty, I’m tired, it’s been a long day and I will just go home and drink water way.    We ended up just eating at the first place we saw a seat, ate an average meal and then came home to bed.

This morning had a lazy morning, did some washing, yippeeeeee, it is always such a ridiculous euphoric feeling when you are travelling and you come across a washing machine and then double bonus a courtyard with a drying rack.

Having a home blue day today which is that sense of missing everyone.  The familiarity of people and places and things that you surround yourself with at home sometimes feels along way from here.  I am not pining just in that mood of if wh said,  shall we go home now?  I would say yep ok.  Just like when you are at the pub and you decide ok that was good but now I’m ready for home.  Actually that’s  a bad example as wh would never be the one saying shall We go home now from the pub.  Unless he was sober driving.  Anway the feeling shall pass, as those sorts of feelings do when you wile them away with new things to think about.

Today we followed some local advice and went to a restaurant called,  e’cucina,  we were told get there early as it fills up fast and they were right.  We got lost, I know! Again! Even got assistance in map reading from a local and still we couldn’t find it.  Then suddenly in a eureka moment  we decided to get out the phone and google map it.  Turns out the local had marked the map wrong so we followed the talking lady and voila.

The photo below is the entranceway into e^cacina.  You go in on the left and then you walk past all the racks with the boxes a veges and stuff on.
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The local told us, that the owner is a very famous chef who decided he wanted to open a simple low cost restaurant to share his food. Left his exclusive expensive one.  It costs €15 and you get water, wine, bread, primi pasta, secondi main then desert and coffee.  It is what it is, you choose, sparkling or still water, then red, white or sparkling wine.  You then get served some cheese.  Then a choice of two pasta dishes and a choice of two mains and two desserts.  There is no can I have my steak medium or dressing on the side it is, what it is.    It was perfect  as between the two of us we had one of everything and it was delicious, all for the same price as last nights very average.  I did take photos of the food but they don’t do it justice, all I will say is that it was fresh and tasty.

the restaurant went from empty to fill in about half an hour.  The photo below is about one quarter of it.  But if you check out the corner you will see the sign for the toilets.  We then had to come home for a siesta.

They say that bologna is the foodies heaven so lucky we leave tomorrow as they may not have baguettes but they have this –

6th May – leaving Prague

I dislike travelling days.  The packing up of suitcases, getting to airports, checking in, security, everywhere hurry up and wait.  As I sit here now at airport it didn’t disappoint.

We arrived very early of course but when we went to check in our bags the young man informed us, that despite him not having a customer for miles, he could not check us in we had to do it ourselves on the app.  Or we could go to a service desk in the other terminal and pay €160 and they would do it for us.   We had to do it in the next 15 mins as it had to be done at least 2 hours before check in.  So with the usual technology failures and appropriate words and gestures ensued but hey here we are, through security, blogging away so glass half full.

Travel day Prague

We had a late afternoon flight so there is plenty of time.  The day begins again with an early morning walk.  The sun rises about 6 am so it’s a really lovely time.  This morning we were met by lots of drunks, no that’s too strong, lots of people who had been out all night drinking and were heading home or in the case of a group of young men who wanted directions, looking for the bridge.

I tried to convince them that ideally they should go back to there hotel and drink lots of water and then find the “bridge” later.   One of them thought that was a really good idea as he wanted some water and he thought they had been out a really long time.  Another thought that we might like to see his friends penis, as his friend had a kaftan on due to it being his stag doo. Neither his friend nor ourselves thought that was a good idea. So we gave them directions, they shook Wh hand earnestly and told him he had a very nice wife (yes that’s right, that is moi), and on their merry way they went.  About lunchtime I thought about them and hoped they got home safely and were drinking water.

The Prague marathon was on today so there was lots of activity and streets closed off.  Wh and I shall be able to sign up to compete soon as we seem to have done 10,000 steps before midday and most days do between 10 and 15kms, a couple of 17 Km days as well, and I might add baguettes are nowhere to be found here, only sweet pastry things which I am thankful to say are not my cup of tea.  I am not sure I will be able to say the same in Italy.

Senate building
Senate building

This morning after packed up and ready to go we caught a tram over the bridge and explored the Senate building and gardens.  You can have a look through some rooms in the building as the senate is closed on the weekend.  They also had a great photo exhibition of the last 100 years of Prague.  1 photo board for every year.  They have certainly endured.

Yesterday we caught yet another tram and went up the top to the palace gardens which I think I mentioned yesterday as the best way to get into the castle.   We did venture into the castle grounds but the crowds and hordes of those tour sticks with minions following quickly had us head back out the gates.  The view seemed much better from the outside.

Prague castle from the outside

Last night on the recommendation of the tour director we went to a roof top bar on top of a shopping mall to have a drink.  We got an amazing table and sat and watched the sun go down.  Wh was really keen on eating some roast duck as it is evidently real Czech food.  This place didn’t have duck but it had stunning views and made a fabulous mojito (wh is not a fussy beer drinker so I can’t really say fabulous beer as it was probably just beer).

Early evening roof top bar


Sunset over the roof top.

Dinner was a very bad avocado salad, and some great pork schnitzel and bread and as you can tell by above photos it was an evening to remember.

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bye Prague it was a pleasure.

Tips for airlines

when flying – particularly with budget airlines always check the fine print.

when budget flying always pay the extra 5 or ten bucks to select your seat and have priority boarding as most are a free for all.

they are niggly weighers so watch your weight (luggage that is)

Tips for prague

prague is full of treasures that can be stumbled upon and are not busy nor crowded eg senate buildings and gardens, courtyard cafes on back streets, the public gardens with apple and pear trees and wonderful views.

Get up early and wander.  Put your feet up in the afternoon if you must.  The city is at its best sun rise and sun set.  Incidentally this seems to be its least crowded.

Find a roof top bar or restaurant and enjoy the sun setting.

Buy a 24 hour tram pass for 110 KR or about $7.  The 15 takes you between the towns and 22 takes you to the top castle entrance and gardens.  23 takes you in a loop through and stops at all the major tourist stops but is often very full so switch to 22.

wear good walking shoes.  Everything is very cobbley and as I said it’s a walking city.





May 5th – Prague

Powder tower

I could post hundreds of photos from Prague.  I am aware when taking them that I have already too many.  What will I do with them all?  But every corner yields another one up.

Last night we crossed the river and went into the back lanes.  We found a courtyard beer cafe.  This could be a long story but I will keep it short.  Two oldish guys turned up and played 60s music, most in English but some in Czech.  They had about 10 groupies of women 60ish, who clapped and cheered and ooohed and ahhhed.    We drank beer and g&t and ate frankfurter things, potato pancakes and apple strudel.  It was great.  The whole night cost us 600 KR, which in case you are wondering is not much especially when wh has two to my one and I had more than one. ( To put it in perspective we got back to the hotel late this afternoon and were knackered so wh got us a drink at the bar, one beer, one g&t and it cost 420kr.)

On our walk we came across my statue of the day.  The pond is a map of Czechoslovakia and it is literally two men having a pissing competition as to how it was going to be carved up.   The Czech lady who told us this was trying to find the word and then she said “I think there is no other words but how you say – pissing – “


Pissing competition

We got up early this morning and were out at 6.30 as I wanted to get some photos around the Charles bridge and in the square without the crowds.  It was well worth it and was relaxed and easy even though there were lots of people with the same idea.

It was wedding day in Prague and everywhere we went there were weddings.  Check out the photo below with a bride on the steps And one walking towards the road.

Wedding day in Prague

We came back to the hotel and had breakfast and showers and then ventured out again.  This time we ventured into quieter zones and found gardens and parks not far away at all.   In one there was of course another wedding but the view over the rooftops was stunning.


We caught a funicular up through another park, which had hectares of apple and pear trees which when in fruit can be picked by all.  In another few weeks the roses and summer plants would be stunning.  I could post another dozen pics looking back down through the trees to the city, or of us sitting at the lookout with our sandwich and beer, or of the funicular itself but I have already loaded quite a few and I wanted to save the one below for last as it’s my favourite.

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Morning walk


tips for Prague

eat in the streets back of the main squares.  Full of locals, lots of fun. Cheap.

get up early to explore the Charles bridge and main square

Visit the parks, they provide stunning views and are relaxed after the busy tourist areas and also very beautiful

if you are going to visit the castle take tram 23 and get at the stop before the castle – palace botanical gardens – the security here is very quick and once in the gardens you can go through into the palace grounds without another security check.

if you can stay in the old town as that way you can come back to the hotel between excursions for a refresher.

always have 10 KR’s for toilet which are always spotless clean.



Friday 4th May – Prague

It is my second visit to prague as the first was such an exquisite taste I had to have more.  Today has not disappointed.   I have  travelled a lot over the past years and I still feel that it is the most beautiful city in the world.


It is truly a fairy tale city.  The guide said it is because it is one of the few cities where the old town was not destroyed by  fire in medieval times, nor either of the wars.  It has 100 of years of architecture layered upon each other and all seemingly fitting in.

Prague does take over and I just realised that I forgot to mention Nuremberg, and it’s worth mentioning.   We spent the morning there yesterday after leaving the ship.   We stood on the place of the Nazi Nuremberg rallies where hitler delivered his hate speech.  It’s now a racing car track and sport ground.   It would fit up to 200,000 people and was the beginning of the real propaganda machine.  The war does not escape you in this place as you enter its fold and the old brownstones along the road have patched up bullet holes in them.

Site of Nuremberg rallies now a race track

They did an amazing job of fixing the old town walls and palace mixing the old and new. Certainly when you see what they achieved here in regards to rebuilding monuments that were destroyed in the war it is incredible.   The railway station was reduced to rubble and was seen as such a focal point for the city that it was recreated. The result is you would not tell the difference.  I don’t know why there was ever a debate about rebuilding the Christchurch cathedral.

We went to a beer garden to have snitchel and bier sausage and of course beer, well for wh anyway.   We ordered the food and the waiter asked if we would like a side of potatoes and asparagus as this is the local delicacy, or at least he pointed to it in the menu and we recognised asparagus and potato words and we all nodded a lot.   The beer, snitchel, sausage was excellent and cost equivalent of about 12 euros  the potato and asparagus, which were more like ginormous white carrots, were boiled, boiled, boiled, boiled or I could describe it like if you put potatoes and asparagus in the crockpot for a day and cooked it like that.  This side dish of asparagus and potatoes delicacy cost 15 euros.  I did say you had to get out and eat like the locals as it was part of the experience.(bet they don’t order sides that’s just for tourists).

Wandering Nuremberg

In Prague today we stopped and got a sausage and beer (at least wh got beer) we knew about sides and weighing from our last trip to Prague whereby wh got a ham bun thing that when you re-converted it back cost about 15 euro. I watched with sadness as the poor lady in front paid about 15 euro for a great big chunk of ham so When they filled up our sauerkraut, potato side dish thing, to the very top an unbeatable portion I said neine, neine, only little, little.   As the ham or the sauerkraut potato thing is what they stick on the scales and it ends up costing you a fortune.   What a savvy fifty something tourist I am.

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anyway I must fly as body has recovered from this mornings 13,000 steps and its time to go again.  I am reminded of my Gran who always said “do and see everything you can while you still have your legs”.  This is a city of legs, a walking treasure.


Did you know that today is international Star Wars day.  It’s true.  May the 4th be with you.

tips for Nuremberg

Dont order sides

tips for Prague 

go now whilst you still have your legs

buy a 24 hour public transport pass. Cheap and easy.

Be very wary of  ham or potato/sauerkraut dish with street food, they weigh it and rip you of.


Wednesday 2nd May – Regensburg



Our last night onboard tonight and I cannot say that I am itching to move on, no claustrophobic yearnings, no itchy feet for something else. Even the bus tripping got less hi Di hi camper and more just meet here, when and where.

I like my ever changing river view.  The quiet, peaceful motion of the ship.  I did not tire of birdsong and people were easy to take or leave as it you just went to be someplace else.



Tonight we will venture to the dining room for a degustation menu, my hopes are not high that it will change my views on the food but I shall go with an open mind.  Interestingly I overheard a conversation between a group walking back today expressing the same thoughts about the food as me.  Unlike me they however were serious river cruises and evidently this cruise had let them down.  I think I was pleased in more way than one, one that I was not nearly as critical as them, two that I have not turned into horrible food snob.

Today we stopped in Regensburg which is another pretty Bavarian town.   I love all the colourful  painted houses and clock towers on every corner.  It’s claim to fame was a bridge dating from the 11th century which of course was under renovation.  I do not think we have looked at an historic monument that is not under renovation.

11th century bridge

Regensburg was not affected by either of the wars so historically it remains fully in tact.  So many of the towns and cities have got patches of ugly, modern architecture blended in with the old, the result of post war reconstruction to provide quick, cheap accomodation.


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This is the first place we have been , since leaving Budapest, where the town centre and shops were open.     Nothing is allowed to open on Sundays in Vienna as it is very religious and then we were too early in Durnstein for shops, Tuesday was a public holiday for May Day hence today being the first time.  It certainly made the feel more ordinary with people going about there daily lives rather than just tourists rambling through historic town centres.

I managed to find my singing egg timer.  I bought one a few years ago in Gothenburg and it’s brilliant.  You put it in the pot at the same time as the eggs and it starts singing when the  ready.  “House of the rising sun” for soft eggs, “ killing me softly” for medium and “ it’s been a hard days night” for hard boiled.  Eggs are perfect every time.  So with shopping complete we wandered aimlessly around the alleys and laneways.

Regensburg Beer garden.

Thursday today and we are busy packing up for disembarkation.  Very quickly, dinner was lovely.  The risotto very tasty and then fillet steak which was slow roasted.  Conspiracy theory – Perhaps they monitor the blogs onboard.  In summation river cruising was great.

Next stop Prague.





Tuesday 1st May – sailing Melk to Regensburg

Monday morning we arrived at the small village of Durnstein around 6am.  It’s claim to fame was that Richard the lion heart was held captive here for three months whilst his ransom was gathered.  We were departing at 10.30 am and as we were awake at 5.30am we decided to get  the e-bikes and tour the village.  Everything was very sleepy and apart from the odd early morning dog walker nobody there was no one around which was a pleasant change after Vienna.

I have decided I Love e-bikes, put them into gear, turn up the e-power and glided up the steep hill like a professional cyclist.   Was quite alarming to actually be passed by the winner of the Tour de France as he sped past me up the said steep hill,  as my thighs groaned loudly even with the turbo boost in high gear.  Not sure what the Tour de France winner actually looks like but must have been him – who else could pass fifty something nana with full power boost on, going up the hill.

Back on the flats and still quite early so headed off to the next steeple on the horizon.  We got the bikes up to  25 kms an hour along the river path, which makes it pretty exciting.  So with fifty something nana, intrepid traveller ego back in tact we headed back to the ship.

Milk Abbey

We sailed on again and soon arrived at Melk where we headed to Melk Abby.  Was yet another grandiose display of wealth and religion but somehow the story was told quite well of how they had adapted through out the last 900 years and remained a part of their community.  Part of it now a school for over 500 students.


Left here and headed up to a castle ruins high on the top of a hill and drank beer and bubbles whilst listening to Austrian folk music.  Wh proceeded to climb every rampart available whereas I decided that staircases hanging of the sides of sheer vertical drops are quite simply never a good idea.


I did attempt to follow wh  with where you go I will follow enthusiasm, but clinging to the handrail with your eyes nearly closed is a bit dodgy looking and not the picture of 50 something intrepid traveller I want to invoke, so considering I had only just recovered from hill passing episode I decided to just wait it out at the bottom and peek through the windows.

View from castle of Danube

Arrived back at ship for dinner where we ate at the Italian restaurant.  You only get to eat in this one once and that’s by invitation so had to opt in.  The atmosphere was nice, the staff lovely  but as in general here the food is just not that great.  It’s not bad but it’s just not good.  It always feels and tastes like a smorgasbord even when it’s not.  There is certainly tonnes of it but simple freshly cooked food seems hard to find.

Another downfall of all this plentiful food on constant supply is that you don’t eat local nearly enough and eating local is part of the whole travelling experience.

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By far the biggest downfall has to be the See food diet. For example:  for Breakfast they have a quick breakfast which consists of orange juice, muffins and croissants.  None of which I am a fan of but if you go down to the main breakfast I am ruined.

My mind starts in a place of “I feel like some yoghurt maybe three teaspoons full with 2 pieces of melon and perhaps a boiled egg”  Yet somehow that becomes – Yoghurt, with maybe some fruit, oh and the bacon looks crunchy, next to the grilled tomato, and nope don’t need a pork sausage ,can get by without that and yep 10 points for going past the homemade hash brown but the absolute worst of all is that no matter which way you turn, the freshly bakes baguette with of course butter call your name.

They have the most delicious bread here and I can say it is irresistible.  It becomes the highlight of every breakfast no matter how hard I try to ignore it.  I have had this problem before in France but few other places.  The dreaded baguette baked fresh each morning.

We have yet to go to lunch in the dining  room because we are either out roaming or still recovering from breakfast but in the lounge they have what they call a light lunch so if onboard with the call of a couple of lettuce leaves, a carrot stick and two slices of tomato I pick up a bowl.  I walk with ease past the olives, the cheese, whatever meat selection, the creamy dressings, but there again lurking in full view are those bloody baguettes.  I am nothing but weak willed baguette eating traveller.

Today’s  cruising has been really scenic and more than pleased that we forwent the bus trips and chose this instead.

thanks for the emails.

Tips for eating when river cruising

when timetable allows always eat local

beware of the dreaded freshly baked baguette.  Be afraid, be very afraid.

Make use of room service, often more relaxed, definitely more intimate, view out the balcony better than the dining room and solves the seefood  diet issue.





Sunday – Vienna

Arrived in Vienna yesterday late afternoon.  There was an excursion to listen to a classical concert which was held at an old army barracks which is now a war museum.   The billboard on the entrance to the drive said “the only place for war  is in the museum”.  If only.

Being in Vienna the concert was Strauss and Mozart.  It is amazing that every piece they played was familiar despite the fact that I have never been a real classical fan.  The history was fascinating and the music enjoyable, only problem was trying to stay awake.

Today we went to the Schronheum palace.  Which was ridiculous.  The queen of something or other had 16 children and was known for her hard work.  She was reported to be back at her desk in the evening after giving birth in the morning.  Her daughter was Marie Antoinette, so when you see the palace she grew up in you can see where she got her “let them eat cake” statement from.

let them eat cake

It is a long weekend here and Vienna was like Venice, there was so many people.  We took the bus into the city in the afternoon and went to St Stephen’s square but it was so packed and very hot so we came back to the ship and got on the E-bikes – Let’s buy one.  They were a lot of fun. Real easy to operate and you can go for miles.  We biked along the river then over the bridge to a man made island used for recreation.  It was packed with pick nickers, playgrounds, sports and people swimming in the river.

No tips today so instead
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Interesting  bit of trivia – in Austria when people buy a new car (BMW, Audi, Mercedes) they don’t like others knowing what model of car they drive, so they pay $400 dollars to get it taken of the production line and not have the model put on.

Audi what?




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