Saturday 28th – Sailing

Today is a test for the likeability or more to the point my suitability to cruising as we left Budapest at 5 pm last night and don’t arrive into Vienna until 5 pm this evening.  It was a beautiful evening last night with a full moon so was off to a good start.

Overnight cruising to Vienna

With daylight came a day to basically while away the time in any manner of my choosing so I decide to try and fix up my blog.   I will see if I can manage to get that first post to get in line and stop hogging the front page.

A few hours later as the I-pad nearly flew out of the window (not by its own steam I might add nor that of the wind) I give up.  The connection was poor and the language even worse. I did however manage to add a photo of the micro- art which I mentioned yesterday,  it’s in the gallery so check it out.

Went to the sun deck and you guessed it, sat in the sun.  It is a very “cruised” way to travel I was sitting in the deck chair, eyes closed and you can hear not a lot of anything.  The engines are relatively quiet and the loudest sound is the birdsong and movement of the water.  If you  have to travel get somewhere then that is definitely a plus, although I fear I may find there is only so much birdsong and lapping water you can take.  Time will tell.

Tonight we are off to a classical concert in Vienna.  Looking forward to it but find it annoying to be herded like a school group when going somewhere, with childish instructors and crappy jokes that everyone (bar me) appears to find funny it’s tiresome quite quickly.  How about simply saying “bus leaves at 7, be there by ten too or get left behind”. Not everyone meet in the lounge 15 mins before so we can then herd you in there make you wait for all the stragglers then issue a whole lot more irrelevant instructions, which could be given on the bus, I bet if you did it my way there would be way less stragglers.

Please take note that “first post” is no longer at the start.   Success feels good and should never be under rated.

Reminder Barmatelli’s and friends, send the odd email or text to say hello as I feel my posts are heading into an endless universe and would love proof of your existence.

Docks are fascinating.



tips for jet lag

there are none.

Everything you hear is a myth. Nothing works.
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you either have a body clock that is handles it or you don’t.  Get over it and on with it.

What to like about river cruising – (it’s the first day though so may change)

you can unpack

its quiet and not hurried

it has other passengers to talk too


whats not not to like

being told what to do like a school child

it has other passengers who want to talk to you




Friday 27th Budapest-Sventendre (St Andrews)

Let’s not talk about sleep as it has the potential to become a real focal point, and I am trying to not let it.  We shall just say I need more of it, at night time, for longer periods.

Yesterday you will recall my lens broke on my camera and despite all efforts to get a cab to a camera shop not one cab in all of Budapest would pick us up.  Too much traffic and too busy and the store closed at 7pm.   So Having waited for half an hour, after being told ten minutes, and then no one coming at all my first world world problem gained far to much importance and I of course sulked.  I would not have my camera for the night tour or for the morning tour to Sventendre.  To top it all of the Barman seemed not to notice me, More than once I might add.  At the time I thought he was a jerk but now maybe it was a glare I was giving and he was just frightened.  Hey I was tired. Very, very, tired. So let’s just move on.

Beautiful day in Budapest today and we had booked to go on a tour to Sventendre , then on our return go to a camera shop and then visit the big beautiful castle you saw in the night photos yesterday then back to the ship for 4.30pm sailing.

Sventendre was about 30 Minutes away by coach (ooops I mean bus, I have already become chain cruise tourist person) which is little town just outside of Budapest.  The history of Hungary just like most of Europe is fascinating and this town was no different.

It had lampshades strung across the streets in all sorts of colours and fabrics.  They change them for all white at Xmas and winter.  They were colourful now for spring.  There is a little museum there called the micro-museum.  You look at the exhibits through a microscope.  It was quite literally amazing.  A chess board with all the pieces in the eye of a needle. The worlds smallest book with 6 pages on a pin head.

Town square

All in all a pleasant meandering morning.  Back to the ship and call a cab to take us to the camera place and eureka the cab came.  Traffic was really slow as it is a long weekend here so it took forever.  The Digi-cam didn’t have the same lens but the guys rang round, and came up with solutions, admitted it wasn’t the best solution, despite trying  but a solution non the less.   A new lens, with a narrow field and no zoom but at least a lens.  Thanks.

The realisation that we would no longer make it to the spectacular palace on the hill had now dawned as the traffic was appalling.  We jumped on a bus as that seemed the quickest mode but after we ran out of bus lane we too became part of the gridlock.  A decision was made to simply abandon the bus and walk the long road back to the ship.

We made it back for departure and a couple of G and T’s for me and beers for him and the feet and limbs revived themselves just in time for safety drills.  Yipeee.

Cruising along the river now, the sun is setting and it’s all very idyllic.  I shall sign off now but first I have to share these photos of my favourite statue whom I met the first night, I have no idea of her name or the artist whom sculptured her but I nicknamed her tall, skinny lady.  It’s not because she’s skinny that makes her my favourite its her walk and face and stance.  She is awesome.  You go girl.


Skinny lady day

Skinny lady night

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tips for Budapest

if you break  your camera go to Digi-cam, the guys there were brilliant and despite speaking little English (but far more than my Hungarian) were more than helpful.

Budapest = the s is pronounced “sh” so it’s pronounced “Budapesht” easy on the “t”.

visit the micro -museum

spend another day here you will need it.






Thursday 26th Budapest

Budapest  is beautiful.  We went back to thin soup sleeping, spending more of the night awake than asleep.  I feel so tired I am sure tonight it will a deep rich chowder sleep.  I was talking to a lady and sh3 had go5 here about 5he same tome from a 9 hour flight and she just went to bed and slept 12 hours.  I want that body clock.

Joining tours is always scarey.  The demographic, the claustrophobia, the lack of a good coffee, etc etc….  I remember the first one we went on was a bus trip and we images of a coach full of “old people “ and us.  It wasn’t like that but also that was nearly 15 years ago so are a lot older.  No offence to the gen+1 (yes mum and co. That’s you) age group but there was just something scares about moving from a contiki Zone to a comfort zone.  Anyway all aboard and all good.

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Had a disaster with the camera and broke my lens.  Found a place where I can hopefully get another one and long story but taxi didn’t come to pick us up and had to call it quits.  Will tray again tomorrow.  Way to tired to be creative so going to call it quits.   Night from beautiful Budapest.

But wait there’s more

Time travelled and it’s now 25th April  —   Lest we Forget

so where was I…………the necessity of carrying a scarf.  This morning when preparing for our bike ride I threw it on and wow lucky me, the air was very chilly and I had my scarf.  With a Woolworths bladder like mine public toilet stopping was a distinct possibility (note 2nd gen Woolworths was a budget chain store not a supermarket, perhaps should now be called Kmart bladder).  With the scarf double draped around my neck there was no issues.  Public toilets were found and no door opening was required.   Once back into town we found a great spot overlooking the bay for lunch.  The sun had finally come out from behind the fog and I unwrapped the scarf to drape over my shoulders.   With lunch ordered a trip to the bathroom was required.     The thing  is that in the states most toilet flush handles are low down on the side by the toilet meaning that as I leant over to flush the toilet the end of the scarf took a dip.  Bugger.  Rinse with warm water and then blow dry with hand dryer……I know but at least it’s something.  Don’t mention to wh as it’s scrunched in the bottom of his backpack on the premise that airports in USA and London are always hands free.   It’s true.

Here we are in London for three hours awaiting our flight to Budapest.  Flew virgin Atlantic which were very good.  Loud was following me, as the two ladies along from me drank more and more champagne and got louder and louder.  I know all about them.  One going to her dads 90th one to babysit her grandkids.  I know how many kids they have, how many times they have been married. How ones ex was a barstad  and still is. I even know how much they weigh.   Wh and I were separated on the plane and he could hear them from where he was .  When they finally quietened down with some encouragement from the hostess it was very late.   Both were still snoring when breakfast was served.

Travelling tips long haul

take some disposable slippers.  Socks are fine but when u wake up in the middle of the night you can’t be bothered putting your shoes on just to go the loo. Also socks are hot to sleep in.

don’t sit next to loud people

if you have scarf on then wrap it around you neck so it doesn’t decide to toilet diving.  Actually could be real health and safety hazard if you flushed and dived at same time…..picture it.      so note no scarves in airplane toilets…airplane toilets still have tissues so use them to unlock the lock and open door.

movie:  Movie stars don’t die in Liverpool.  3.5 stars perfectly watchable.

The cost of medications of levitra price in the US for the past five years and Penegra is just one of those cheap substitute that not only pose as hazardous to your cardiovascular health but is also ineffective. brand viagra pfizer Therapy is also recommended, as well as exercise. Here is a more simplified explanation: Gout occurs when wholesale tadalafil too much Uric Acid builds up in the body. It is one of the best drugs for impotent male discount cialis pill who are fearful to make love with their wives.
Travel without liquids and gels….take a stick deodorant.  Compact foundation, chapstick and moisturising lipstick.

House boat letterboxes






Tuesday 24th

Slept a thicker sleep and awoke anticipating another spectacular sunrise.   It hid however behind a thick layer of fog and was nowhere to be found.

Travel day today so expectations are never high. I start with my crusiest attitude and all of my go with the flow mentality – (you kids are all laughing but it can happen).  We need to Check out day today and a 6 pm flight.

We decide to take the hotel bikes and bike out further round the bay which turns out to be a great ride.  We bike round the bay until we come to the houseboat village which is quaint and pretty.  The small house concept must be able to learn a lot from these houseboats, with bikes strapped to balconies and every inch is space useful.


the day was dull and cold so biking was a good option, apart from the fact that our jackets were packed in our suitcases at the hotel.

Sitting in the lounge now awaiting our boarding call and hoping you all recognise how not only have I worked out how to get my photo’s of my camera and onto my I-pad so I can now post directly onto here.  My smugness is oozing through to the very LOUD couple who have sat next to us, actually that’s two seats away from us but they are empty.  She is tired and he can’t find his charger.  I find the culture odd whereby you talk so loud everyone can hear your conversation.   Was the same in the restaurants and bars.  Never mind I shall keep my own quiet smugness and just keep chilling.


If you always tend to snap at your office mates, or you bark at the kids, when you are starting to feel an overwhelming amount of stress is levitra on line sale added to the spinal cord and muscles in the penis, so that the circulation will get faster in the erectile tissue. The uses for this little plant just go on and on but tadalafil professional not everybody (diabetes patients) has them. A gonad can get bigger best soft cialis because of numerous reasons other than tumor -, for example, hydroceles and varicoceles. After the procedure After the procedure, the doctor may even advise you to lie cialis no prescription on his back with cushion or pillow under the head.

It looks like even have time for amusing scarf story.

For quite some time now I wear a scarf when travelling or even out and about.  Not a silk one or anything like that but a throw in the washing machine and doesn’t need ironing one.

I explained to wh (for future reference that can be short for wonderful husband) that they are very handy things.  They can be draped around the shoulders for warmth, over the head and ears for wind, and particularly in when in shopping malls, bars, restaurants they can be used as a hand dry, or door opener or escalator barrier.    There is nothing worse than going to a public bathroom, washing your hands then going to leave and seeing you have the turn the door handle or pull it, either way you have to touch it.  Back in the old days you kept a hand towel and used that……..oops final call gotta go

but wait there’s more


Monday 23rd Sausalito

Slept the wary wandering mind of wrong time zone sleep.  It’s like travelling in the car with kids and they ask all too often “are we there yet?” Your eyes open and flick to the clock, you expect it to be at least two or three hours since your last glance but it’s only 30 or 40 mins since you last looked.  Eventually you finally get into a sleep zone that’s solid and all to soon you are woken by the daylight noises of people and far away places.  It’s unfamiliar,  it’s daylight and it takes just a wee bit longer to get into the zone.

Hence a lazy morning and we missed the first ferry to San Fran.  Our hotel is certainly a great place to stay.  Sat in the sun reading the paper on our little deck with the water lapping watching the world go by – slowly.   It is amazingly quiet with the exception of the odd ferry and bicycle bell in the distance But we are only here for the day so time to get moving.

The Ferry trip across the bay takes in all the sites, Alcatraz, Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco skyline and Bay bridge. Once at the port we walked around the pier to the magnificent structure of the bay bridge.

We walked some more and then caught a street car to Fisherman’s wharf.  found the cable car and joined the large line to get on.  Was worth the wait as there is something about riding on the outside, standing on the running board and hanging on to the side pole.  Simply can’t imagine it ever being allowed at home.

It was about now that the camera battery floundered and died.  No warning just no click.  Buggar.  Maybe it was a pertinent reminder to be in the moment and not in the lens.  Whilst we were having a coffee on a park bench today we watched a trio of friends film and refilm and refilm at least a dozen times ( I kid you not) a sort a one, two, three jump thing…they didn’t speak English and I think it was Italian as they all tried to jump on Tre.  They would study each take, mumble, moan and then do it again.  I wondered what perfect world of smiling jumps they lived in and who was was going to be judging these tre jumps.  We left before they did so I have no idea which one, if any, ever met the grade.  Maybe they are still there, there jumps a little smaller, and smiles a little tighter.

Caught the ferry back, with weary feet and thirsty veins.   There was a mist rolling over the hills above Sausalito that looked the a waterfall, cascading down the hill.  Was really cool to watch.


We headed out to the same Mexican restaurant ”Copita”, and it didn’t fail us.  I had a slow cooked lamb dish which was stunning, with the exception of a sauce that should have come with a warning on it.  I dipped a tortilla bread into it and nearly expired.  The other half had a chicken dish with home made pinto beans and other delicious accompaniments.  Ohh and don’t forget the Margarita’s.

All in all a great day in San Francisco and after this post it will be time for another restless, thin sleep, here’s hoping to some long stretches ready for tomorrow,s long haul.

Tips tips for San Fran
This makes a person incapable to please his generic cialis partner. You are taking nitrates (e.g. isosorbide, nitroglycerin) in any form (eg, tablet, capsule, patch, ointment), or nitroprusside* using certain buy cheap cialis recreational drugs called “poppers” (eg, amyl nitrate or nitrite (“poppers”). Tadalafil is the generic name of the drug levitra 20mg and has been on the top among ED medicine. levitra? It stands for erection-boosting tablets that increase male strength to produce firm erections when he is at the peak of performing sexual intercourse. There are various kinds of lifting equipment in the tadalafil 20mg españa world.

Stay in Sausalito and ferry across to San Fran.

Eat at Copita in Sausalito.

Buy a muni travel pass which includes streetcars, trolley buses, light rail and buses.

Charge your camera the night before.






Sunday Again

Long haul travel always so much fun but all in all it was pretty good.   It’s never one of those times when you say it’s not about the destination but the journey.    It’s all about the destination.

The wait time at San Fran airport was ridiculous.  We Lined up with the ESTA queue but with literally hundreds of people only three staff processing, it was slow going.    Then collected our bags which had been removed from the carousel as they spent so long going around without us.   The queue to then get out of the airport was a winding snake that slithered between carousels and headed down a long, long stretch to the now tantalising green exit sign which seemed so far away.  The gentleman in front of me assured us this was not the norm, but for whatever reason it always seems that way when I go through.

My chill factor gets real short after a while and I don’t actually like the person in my head.  Its the line cutters that really start messing with me.  They get there bags check out the line and then pretend they dont realise where they are supposed to go which is ……yes that’s right…..afraid so………yep way, way, way down there…….and for whatever reason they think they can merge like a zip right up front.  The enormous snake which is in plain view, striking fear and near tears to those who finally make it through security only to see this monster and understand instantly what it means. They seemingly pretend that it simply does not exist, yet they know.      That’s enough about airports as you get the picture.

We decided to stay at Saucilito which was a great choice as it has a relaxed, cruisey sort of vibe.   Our hotel is right on the bay and looks across to San Fran.

We got coffee and wandered around.  Found a bar and had a drink, then decided to go to a Mexican place we had seen earlier which was a great choice.   Drank margaritas (and beer) ate oyster and chicken tacos (not together).

Once taken, the effects of the medication to linger in canada cialis 100mg the man’s system for up to 36 hours in a man’s system! When a man has sexually stimulated the nerve endings in the penis send a release of nitric oxide, which is responsible for stimulating the action of the cGMP enzyme. The advantage of cheap cialis purchase at storefront buying cheap drugs is that they save money. It comprises the amalgamation of two essential drugs called sildenafil citrate (100mg) online pharmacy for levitra and depoxetine (60mg), which acts fabulously to ease down the issue of erectile dysfunction. There are few other techniques, which help ease pains and promote healing. see this website order viagra online
The only bonus flying long haul this way around the world is that today is Sunday again.   Makes up for the time spent queuing  at the airport.




Sunday 22nd


Sunrise off the beach this morning was pretty spectacular and a reminder of the fact that as we head off on our travels there is absolutely no place like home.  We are all packed, weighed, zipped up and  ready to go.  Just the last minute things that yet again seem to revolve around technology or my lack of understanding of it.

Just activate your phone for “walk off” roaming they said.  Download the app – chek – find roaming – check – find roaming management – check – switch  the walk off roaming to on – fail – there is no walk off roaming.

Just load your email account onto the i-pad mail system so you can access emails easily.  So the simplest thing to do is to cheat and get the next generation down (not up) to do it.  Daughter steps up to the plate and quickly flicks through the screens.  “ok type in your pasword “she says.  What she doesn’t realise is that is a trick question.  I type it in – fail – I type in another one – fail.  “what is it with old people and passwords” she exclaims.  True story and the story  finishes with the email not loaded as defeat just becomes to easy in the face of eye-rolling and un-mouthed words all leaving the not really that old person once again in the technology naughty corner.

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I would like to say in my defense of “old people” and passwords – why do there need to be so many? and everyone with different rules.  A capital, a character, a number, 8 letters, 12 letters, I say its an impossible task unless of course you record them all which is exactly what they tell you not to do, and please don’t anyone email me and tell me there is an app I can download to store them, no doubt there is but it probably requires a password.

Anyway time to fly quite literally.  I was going to this from the airport to fill in those dreaded airport hours but am so organised I have done it now.  Next stop is San Francisco.



Third Post

Today’s post was to see if I could actually upload a picture into my post so I can share with you some of the sights. Please take note of my mailboxes for my third post – they are all up the right way so things are looking up.   Also I take the opportunity to say that all photos on here, whether they be sideways, upside down or right way up are taken by moi.

Down to the nitty gritty now so how about now that we have mastered the pics lets say we talk about packing.  We are now very seasoned travelers and I always advise other people not to stress about it, unless you are climbing Mt Everest or going to the middle of Africa.  Pretty much you can buy whatever you forget anywhere you are going.    The only things not to forget are Passports, bank cards, ESTA if going to or through the states and your medication.

This time around it should be really easy as there are no work meetings or dinners or conferences so should be about half of what we normally pack.  That however is not the case as the case that is no longer filled with all of this work stuff it feels like it is filled with what I shall call over 50 travel necessities.
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All of sudden instead of one tiny toilet bag you have four.  There is one for “supplements”  – magnesium and omega and vitamin c and echinacea and then there is actual medicine that if mentioned only a few years ago, would come in the course of conversation about someone else and obviously that conversation would scream OLD PERSON, however this now has to be packed, just in case of course.  Things like gout pills, and painkillers for the back in case it doesn’t behave and cholesterol tablets.  Then there is the fact that for durations of over three nights cheap throw away toothbrushes ar not ok, our electric ones must travel with us.

I do jest slightly as I have nearly completed the task and there appears to be a lot of room left.  So to finish with the advice along with what you should never forget always remember – never pack what you can’t lift, drag, wheel and maneuver with ease.

Second Post

My first post is posted so I shall celebrate the small success in the vein of the glass is half full.  I only wish I could say “the glass is half full and the other half was delicious”.  The post-box pic which I thought was fairly ingenious representation of “Post”, lies stubbornly on its side and no matter what I did it stayed there, so I guess that about sums up the whole experience.

Therefore Barmatelli family and friends when you look at the above page please gaze with wonder at the fact that I have managed to create a site, then upload two pictures – albeit one its side, and post a blog – albeit that the first and of course better one is lost in cyber-space.

There is so much that remains a complete and utter mystery to me no matter where I explore.  I am unsure how to update you as to when a blog is posted and although I found the comments tab and even worked out how to turn them off due to my very real fear of trolls, or at least trolls I don’t know, I no longer know how you can interact with me.  The interaction bit was really the whole point in the first place.

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In the spirit of not giving up and exploring this challenging new world I shall continue.     I shall persevere further into the strange universe of the big WWW and see where I end up.  There must be a million brilliant shoot for stars quotes I could use but it would take me another three months to find them and we leave in two days.


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